What our readers have learned about menopause

The menopause It is a natural stage in the life of every woman, often marked by physical and emotional changes that, although universal, can manifest differently in each individual.

This period, which usually occurs between 45 and 55 years of age, entails a series of transformations that are often accompanied by uncertainty and confusion. However, in the midst of these experiences, many women have found a path to self-acceptance and empowerment.

We collect real stories from our readers. Through their stories, we have been able to learn about the challenges they faced, the lessons they have learned, and the advice they want to share. We search demystify some of the taboos that surrounding menopausebut also provide a supportive space and understanding for all those women who are going through this period of changes.

Lessons learned from lived experiences

Our readers, who are going through or have gone through menopausewe they shared their own stories. In Vanities we believe that together we can continue creating a legacy of knowledgeempowerment and acceptance that benefits future generations.

  1. The importance of knowledge
    I am 54 years old, 5 years ago they removed my ovaries, fallopian tubes, a Benign tumor and my womb, and I was supposed to go into menopause the next day. However, To date I have not had any symptoms.. I consider that I did not have time to feel symptoms because I do many things a day, I am always busy, plus I eat well and practice metaphysics.”.
  2. you are not alone
    I am 49 and the symptoms started at 45. Not all women are the same. I know that leading a healthy life, without vices, following a balanced diet and exercising has helped me, but that does not mean that I do not suffer from menopause. It has cost me.
    Like other women in this group, hI was lucky to have a good gynecologist who has advised me with probiotics, vitamins, foods that are as green as possible and, still, there I go, having a great time. If some women haven’t even had time to think about that, well, that’s great and I’m glad they don’t have symptoms… but there are others who, despite leading an active, positive, happy life, our body reacts differently. manner.
    I live grateful for life and the symptoms of climacteric and menopause become part of our daily lives, I have a very understanding husband and between the two of us we help each other. (by the way, tomorrow is our 28th anniversary)”.
    – J (from Guatemala
  3. Personal care and well-being
    I tell you that at 60 years old I still suffer from hot flashes, but I have a balanced diet and I exercise in the pool three times a week, so don’t despair. What I like is that my skin is still smooth. I recommend you lead a quiet life
  4. Adaptation and acceptance
    I am 53 years old and suddenly the hot flashes of menopause come on, but then they go away for months. I also think it may be mental. The truth is that, with so many things I have to do, Then I don’t even remember that my symptoms are menopause. I also gained a few pounds, which was good for me, because I’m very thin.”.
  5. Create a new narrative
    “Inevitably you don’t think about menopause until it occurs to you. I experience all the symptoms at 52 years old, I feel that the process began at 48. It has been a strange path, but here I go, with advice, readings on the subject and professional advice. In the end, each one is different”.

The stories shared by our readers are a testament to the power of community and mutual support. As more women feel comfortable talking about their menopause, we eliminate stigmas and build a space where the female experience is celebrated and understood.

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