Besides Princess Leonor, who would have a higher rank with the death of Felipe VI?

In the hypothetical case that the death of the king Philip VI At this time, the line of succession to the Spanish throne would undergo several important changes. The first of them would be that the Princess Eleanoras direct heir, would become queen of Spain.

However, there are other members of the Royal Family who would also see a change in their status and rank. This is because the succession rules in Spain are guided by the principle of primogeniture, where direct descendants have priority.

What other members of the Royal Family could rise through the ranks?

So, based on this assumption, Infanta Sofia would take the place of direct heir to the throne. Of course, as long as Leonor becomes queen and has no children.

While this change would also bring greater visibility and prominence for the youngest daughter of the kings, who, until now, has played a secondary role in the public sphere compared to her older sister.

Traditionally, the second in the line of succession occupies a fundamental support role to the person who occupies the throne. That is why if Sofia becomes second in the line of succession, she could see her responsibilities and functions within the crown increased.

On the other hand, if Don Felipe, his wife, were to die, the Queen Letiziawould continue to be a key figure within the royal family. And while her primary role as consort would cease, Letizia, with her experience and deep knowledge of royal protocols, would surely take on a guiding role for her daughters, especially Leonor in her early years as queen.

Even, Letizia is likely to retain a public presencesupporting Leonor from a position of influence behind the throne and also continuing to support projects related to health, education and women’s rights.

However, those who would also rise one seat within the line of succession to the throne are the infantas Elena and Cristinathe sisters of Felipe VI, as well as their children. Although this would not significantly impact his case since more preference is given to the direct descendants of the monarch.

For its part, Infanta Elena She would be the third in the line of successionwhile their children, Froilán de Marichalar and Victoria Federica, would occupy fourth and fifth place. After them, Infanta Cristina and her descendants would follow.

Finally, the emeritus kings, Juan Carlos I and Doña SofíaAlthough they do not occupy a place in the line of succession, their role within the monarchy would remain symbolic. It is even possible that they have greater media attention given the key role they played in the Spanish transition.

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