The unexpected decision with which Felipe VI and Letizia Ortiz give the spotlight to Princess Leonor

The kings Felipe VI and Letizia Ortiz have decided to take a step back and give absolute prominence to the Princess Eleanor during the next week. A movement that reflects not only confidence in her first-born, but also a clear desire to strengthen her role as the future queen of Spain.

Likewise, it will be within the framework of the Princess of Asturias Awards 2024 where the heir to the Spanish throne will become the main protagonist thanks to a detail that the monarchs wanted to have with their daughter.

Leonor de Borbón will do solo acts next week

It is thanks to the Royal House that we can learn about some of the activities that the Borbón family will have within the framework of these awards, which are awarded every year in the city of Oviedo. According to the program they announced from Zarzuela for October 24 and 26, in one of these events only the name of the princess appears.

This means that Eleanor of Bourbon will attend an event framed under these awards alone. Meanwhile, the event in question that the young royal will preside over will be the presentation of the title of Honorary Mayor of Oviedo.

After that, the monarchs’ first-born daughter will also receive the Medal of Asturias. While in both recognitions everything seems to indicate that his parents will follow him from a distance since their attendance is not expected.

However, the Spanish Royal Family will attend in full the main events, which are the XXXII Princess of Asturias Awards Concert, as well as the audience with the winners and the award ceremony that will take place on October 25 at the Campoamor theater in Oviedo. .

On the other hand, it is rumored that Princess Leonor will be in charge of reciting the closing speech of these awards. Something that his father usually does, king Philip VIbut now it could be different and pass the baton to his daughter. Although none of this is confirmed.

Although this speculation does not sound crazy either, especially if we take into account that these awards bring together the best in the arts, sciences, sports and human rights. So this is where Leonor, who has already demonstrated her oratory ability in previous editions, will surely shine the most with her own light.

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