Infanta Cristina’s prolonged visits to Spain: silent return to Zarzuela?

Infanta Cristina’s prolonged visits to Spain: silent return to Zarzuela?

Infanta Cristina has traveled to Spain more often since her divorce

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In recent months, Infanta Cristina has intensified his trips to Spainwhich has generated speculation about a possible approach to the Royal Family as well as an eventual return to the Zarzuela Palace.

Let us remember that the daughter of king Juan Carlos She was practically removed from the Spanish crown after the scandal involving her ex-husband, Iñaki Urdangarin, in the Nóos case. So since then he has kept a low profile and has resided in Geneva, Switzerland.

Will Cristina de Borbón return to live in Spain?

However, the Spanish media have already noticed that his visits to the Spanish nation are much more frequent this year. This is why several suggest that Christina of Bourbon could reintegrate into the inner circle of the Spanish Royal House.

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Infanta Cristina has been seen in many public events in 2024

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In fact, since the infanta divorce of Urdangarin at the end of 2023 has been seen in at least twenty events in Spanish territory, according to data from Vanitatisincluding weddings and funerals of the Borbón family as well as official presentations and other outings. But even with all this, it is not contemplated that he will move to Spain in the short term.

Likewise, some of the most notable events she attended were Marta Urquijo’s wedding, on February 24, as well as the wedding of the mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez Almeida, in April of this same year.

Furthermore, in June he had an official La Caixa event in which he also coincided with his brother, the king Philip VI. Something that had not been seen in a long time and that also shows signs that this public distancing with the Spanish Royal Family is beginning to subside little by little.

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Infanta Cristina has traveled a lot to Spain in recent months

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While last summer vacation, Cristina also met Felipe and his wife at the Marivent palace, Letizia Ortiz. So all this has given rise to rumors about his possible return to Zarzuela.

Although some media such as The Confidential They report that there is no official plan for their reintegration into the Royal House. However, her increasingly common presence at key family events makes some wonder if Cristina is trying to regain her place in the royal environment, even if discreetly.

However, what is clear is that Infanta Cristina’s prolonged visits to Spain do not go unnoticed. So the question now is whether these appearances are simply family moments or the prelude to a return to the monarchical institution it once represented.

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