Learn about the interesting story behind the baton that Princess Leonor received in Oviedo

On the morning of this October 24, Leonor de Borbón, princess of Asturias, in Oviedo she received the title of Honorary Mayor of the city council for “the special connection of the Royal Family with Asturias and Oviedo, as well as the position of honorary president of the Princess of Asturias Foundation.”

According to the Royal House itselfthe heiress was received at the Oviedo City Council by the president of the Principality of Asturiasthe mayor of Oviedo and other authorities, who greeted her and later witnessed how the young woman received a medal, an insignia, her title and the baton, a symbol that hides an interesting story behind it.

It turns out that the same cane was received by Leonor’s father, the King Philip VI, 36 years ago, when he was awarded the same distinction. However, at that time, the then prince of Asturias suffered a small mishap with the device.

What happened to the baton of Oviedo when it was received by Felipe VI?

As mentioned in the magazine Hello!, this morning Princess Leonor received the baton of command of Oviedo with certain modifications, since visibly, the artifact was not in exactly the same conditions in which it was previously received by King Philip.

The aforementioned media affirms that on October 14, 1988, andThe current monarch accidentally splintered the staff, therefore the important symbol had to be restored. “The handle is still gold and the finish is silver, but if we zoom in we can perfectly see the consequences of the blow to the stick,” it is stated from Hello!

How did Princess Leonor receive the baton of command of Oviedo this October 24?

The recognition that Princess Leonor received this Thursday It happens within the framework of the Princess of Asturias Awards, which will take place on October 25.

After receiving the cane from the mayor of Oviedothe princess of Asturias prepared to sign the golden book and a photograph was taken in front of a plaque commemorating the anniversary.

Leonor wrote the following words in the book:

“I am very excited to have received the title of Honorary Mayor of Oviedo, because since I was a child, coming to this city has always been a joy. I thank all the neighbors for their love and generosity. Keep in mind that this appointment commits me and I am aware of its importance and meaning. My mother was born here and I come here every year to the Princess of Asturias Foundation awards. And it is a moment that I look forward to.”

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