Princess Leonor revealed her and Infanta Sofía’s culinary tastes: what does each one prefer?

Last Thursday, October 24 officially launched the planned agenda within the framework of Princess of Asturias Awards 2024, beginning the festive day with the appointment of Princess Leonor as Honorary Mayor of Oviedo. The young heiress also received yesterday, from the president of the Principality, the medal of Asturias.

As part of said award ceremony, The heiress prepared to pronounce what until now has been one of her most emotional speeches, since in each of his words he paid tribute to his family, both on his paternal and maternal side.

“I confess that I came many times with my mother and father to Asturias during my childhood. My Asturian family is very Asturianyou understand me, and from a very young age I was able to get to know the forests and take long walks among those carbay and chestnut trees that are already part of my childhood,” began the young first-born daughter of Felipe VI.

“We really enjoyed his radio stories from that time. I visited beautiful beaches, I saw incredible mountains, valleys and towns, “I became fond of oricio in front of my sister’s surprised face… Well, she is more of a pantrucu person,” His Highness continued, thus evidencing his culinary tastes and those of his younger sister, Infanta Sofía.

Thus, it was revealed that while one of the daughters of Kings Felipe and Letizia chooses the sea, the other prefers land, although both always remain faithful to their love for Asturian gastronomy.

What are oricio and pantrucu, the favorite foods of Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofía?

Both the Oricio and pantrucu are two typical foods from Asturias. The first of those two meals is prepared from sea urchins. Orincios are generally consumed raw, although they can be eaten fried, accompanied by eggs in an omelet.

The most popular way to serve oricios is with a splash of fresh lemon juice and a pinch of sea salt. This preparation is low in calories and carbohydrates, but rich in iron and protein.

For its part, pantrucu is a sausage, known as the blood sausage of Asturias. This dish is made from pork blood, fat, onion, paprika and corn flour.

According to specialized cooking sites, Infanta Sofía’s favorite preparation can be enjoyed fried in slicesgrilled, baked

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