The harsh gesture with which Letizia Ortiz left Infanta Sofía in the background at the Princess of Asturias Awards

Last October 24th took place XXXII Princess of Asturias Awards Concert. An event that the Spanish Royal Family attended, as they do every year. However, they have drawn attention certain actions of Letizia Ortiz towards Infanta Sofía.

Let us remember that the Borbóns usually attend several of the events and events that take place within the framework of these awards, such as the traditional nighttime gala concert that took place at the Príncipe Felipe Congress Palace Auditorium in Oviedo. And it was right there that several have noticed a harsh gesture that has been repeated in other public appearances of the queen consort and her youngest daughter.

This is how Letizia Ortiz takes the spotlight off Infanta Sofía

According to royalty experts, such as Pilar Eyre, Mrs. Letizia has certain attitudes and gestures that leave others in the background Sofia of Bourbon and that, on the other hand, highlight both the queen and her first-born, Princess Leonor.

Among these actions would be found that Infanta Sofia She does not wear heels to the official events she attends. and wears flat shoes, while her mother and older sister do wear them. Something that has been highly criticized by several since they consider that with this type of gesture Letizia and Leonor would stand out more.

Likewise, these expert voices consider that there is no reason why the youngest of the kings should not wear high-heeled slippers on some occasions, especially since Leonor was already wearing them at the same age.

However, media such as The National of In Blau They suggest that this could be because, since Sofia is much taller, Letizia would not want her to stand out more. A harsh gesture with which the consort would be considered leaving her daughter aside.

Furthermore, we should add to this that, according to the aforementioned media, Sofía’s attitude is also an issue for which she would not stand out and would not have the same prominence as her mother and sister. In the photos of this gala concert we can see that, unlike them, the infanta greets with shyness and shrinking. Something that is repeated in other public events.

While in the case of Leonor and Letizia It is quite the opposite since they always wear heels that help stylize their figure and they address others with vigor and upright.

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