Unifier Qin Shi Huang Leader Guide

Sid Meier’s Civilization series of games has proven to be a successful and compelling franchise, one much loved by fans all over the world for its specific brand of history-flavored turn-based strategy. Players get to take the reins of a historical leader from one of a wide selection of civilizations from history and paint their own unique story as the game unfolds. Thanks to years of developer support, Civilization 6 received several features and updates over the years, including new civs and leaders or variants of existing leaders for some civilizations.

A great example of these revamped leaders is Qin Shi Huang’s China. Qin has two different entries, each with a different Leader Bonus which allows for some vastly different approaches when it comes to play style. Qin (Mandate of Heaven) heavily rewards a Wonder-based strategy, while Qin (Unifier) is much more aimed at combat and the Domination victory type. Let’s take a look at how to use Qin Shi Huang’s Unifier persona in Civilization 6.

Qin Shi Huang’s Unifier Leader Bonus in Civilization 6

Unifier Qin Shi Huang Leader Guide

  • Unifier ability: Can use land melee units to convert all adjacent Barbarian units to Chinese units

The Unifier Leader Bonus allows Qin Shi Huang to convert Barbarian units into Chinese units, at the cost of one melee land unit. This bonus is most useful during the early game when Barbarian camps and units are more plentiful, but it can see use throughout the game.

This Leader Bonus is strongly focused on combat and military use, allowing the player to accrue many units without spending much Production on them.

How to Use Qin Shi Huang Unifier’s Leader Bonus

Convert Barbbarian Qin Unifier

All of Qin (Unifier)’s land melee military units gain access to the Convert Barbarians option. To use it, the player’s unit must be adjacent to at least one Barbarian unit. After clicking the conversion button the Chinese unit disappears, while the Barbarian unit becomes the player’s.

Dynastic Cycle Ability in Civilization 6

  • Dynastic Cycle Ability: +10 percent Science and Culture towards Technologies and Civics when a Eureka or Inspiration is gained, for a total 60 percent of the Technology of Civic cost; completing a Wonder grants one random Eureka and one random Inspiration from that era’s pool

The Dynastic Cycle Ability is shared between all versions of China and provides an extra +10 percent Science or Culture towards Technologies or Civics when an Eureka or Inspiration is gained. This means that by triggering the right boosts, Qin Shi Huang can progress quite nicely through the tech and civics tree, granting him access to buildings and units faster.

Qin Shi Huang Unifier Strategy in Civilization 6

Qin (Unifier)’s Leader Bonus is perhaps most useful during the Civ 6 early game, but it can be used throughout to great effect. Although at first glance it might seem like trading one melee unit for another Barbarian unit isn’t the greatest trade, it can be used really well. For example, a Warrior unit can be traded for a single Spearman unit.

But the real efficacy – and the true risk – of this Leader Bonus comes when it’s used to convert multiple units at once. In some cases, it can be well worth it for players to allow the Barbarians to get closer to their city and units to lure them in. If the player’s melee unit is surrounded, it can convert all adjacent Barbarian units, resulting in a massive boost to army production.

This can be quite risky sometimes as if it isn’t carried out properly, the melee unit can be killed, which could lead to the city being put under siege. However, when used correctly this allows gamers to amass large armies very quickly while using Production on other projects.

Helpful Policy Cards for Qin Shi Huang Unifier

Policy cards offer powerful optional bonuses players can use to tailor their empire to their wishes. For Qin (Unifier) some of the most useful cards are in the Military Policies section. These cards can reduce Gold upkeep of units, make upgrades cheaper, or directly boost combat power.

  • Professional Army – 50 percent discount on all unit upgrades
  • Discipline – +5 Combat Strength when fighting Barbarians
  • Conscription – Unit maintenance reduced by 1 Gold per turn per unit
  • Retinutes (Gathering Storm) – 50 percent resource discount on all unit upgrades
  • National Identity – units have 50 percent less Combat Strength reduction from being injured

General Tips and Tricks for Qin (Unifier) in Civilization 6

Qin tips

Although Qin (Unifier) is best used for Domination Victories, it’s always important to remember that falling too far behind in tech can halt the war machine – and in some cases, result in a game over. Early conquests can knock out some of the competition, but gamers should keep an eye on their competition and their conquests.

The Dynastic Cycle Ability can help prevent some from falling behind, but at least some of China’s Production needs to go towards constructing Science- and Culture-focused buildings. But unlike other military Civs, Qin (Unifier) can afford to branch out a little thanks to the Unifier Leader Bonus.

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