What is the truth about the “mysterious disease” in Aswan?.. The Egyptian Ministry of Health reveals the details of the drinking water crisis

Controversy arose in Egypt due to the emergence of a “mysterious disease” in Aswan Governorate

It is decided Egyptian Ministry of Health Controversy over cases of intestinal flu in Aswan Governorate, and she confirmed that there is no epidemiological link between all cases so far, and the majority of cases are from the Abu al-Rish Bahri and Daraw areas, each of which has a separate water station.

What is the truth about the “mysterious disease” in Aswan?.. The Egyptian Ministry of Health reveals the details of the drinking water crisis

The Ministry of Health said in a statement that in light of the frequency of cases of intestinal flu symptoms (diarrhea, nausea, vomiting) in Aswan Governorate hospitals, Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Health and Population, directed the dispatch of a central team from the Preventive Medicine Sector to the governorate.

During the past few days, a state of controversy was raised in Egypt, after calls for help were launched by a number of residents of the governorate. AswanRegarding the emergence of a mysterious disease, which caused a number of citizens to suffer from severe intestinal infections.

What is the truth? "The mysterious disease" In Aswan?.. Egyptian Health reveals details of drinking water crisis

According to the Egyptian Ministry of Health, the central team affiliated with the ministry continues to take the necessary laboratory procedures and activate the monitoring and follow-up system through the relevant ministry agencies, adding that the final results of all tests and procedures carried out by the specialized team will be announced immediately upon completion.

The Ministry revealed that upon reviewing the records of the hospitals that the patients visited (Al-Masala, Al-Sadaka, Aswan University, and Daru Central), it was noted that until the evening of 9/18/2024, a number of patients visited the hospitals suffering from symptoms of intestinal flu (diarrhea – nausea – vomiting), 63 of whom were admitted to the hospitals.

The Ministry indicated that the health condition of the rest of the patients did not require hospitalization and they were given appropriate treatment and medical recommendations to complete treatment at home, while 16 cases were discharged after their health condition improved and the rest of the cases are still receiving treatment in hospitals.

While the ministry confirmed that there is no epidemiological link between all cases so far, as the majority of cases are from the Abu Al-Rish Bahri and Daraw areas, each of which has a separate water station, it stressed that the examination of the first station’s discharge samples (Bahri) proved that they conform to the standard specifications in the sample that was withdrawn currently and during the last three months, and the second showed that there was no microbiological or chemical change.

The Ministry of Health pointed out that the risk of contracting intestinal flu is very low if the following proper health measures are followed:

  • Wash your hands frequently, especially after using the toilet and before eating.
  • Drink safe water from uncontaminated sources.
  • Eat food that is completely cooked and hot and avoid street vendor food.
  • Wash fruits and vegetables well before eating them.

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