The Last Song Encourages Farming in a Unique Way

The Last Song Encourages Farming in a Unique Way

Key Takeaways

  • Enotria: The Last Song encourages farming with its unique Mask Shard and crafting system.
  • Developers have been known to nerf farming spots in Soulslikes, but Enotria embraces the concept.
  • Enotria’s Mask Shard crafting system sets it apart from other Soulslike games.

Farming in a video game is a familiar concept to RPG enthusiasts, as it often means becoming far too powerful for enemies to stand a chance against them. Farming plays an even bigger role in much more difficult games, like those in the Soulslike genre, as many players often feel they don’t stand a chance against a game’s toughest enemies otherwise. Generally, it involves players repeatedly defeating enemies or completing tasks in a certain area until they can easily overpower the next major obstacle. As a challenging Soulslike, Enotria: The Last Song is subject to farming, but unlike other games in the genre, it welcomes the concept with open arms.

Enotria: The Last Song can be very tough at times, primarily because many of its major bosses have exceedingly large health pools. Inevitably, this leads to players looking for the best farming spot in the game to upgrade their character and weapons. However, Enotria encourages players to farm its various enemies with a unique concept not found in other games.

Enotria: The Last Song Blatantly Encourages Farming With Mask Shards

Farming Is Not Uncommon in Soulslikes, But It’s Seldom Outright Encouraged

While some of the more hardcore Soulslike players like LetMeSoloHer might not take advantage of farming in Soulslike games, it has become a common practice among the community. With the release of almost any Soulslike game comes YouTube videos and articles from various publications about the best spots to farm that game’s upgrade currency, whether it be Elden Ring‘s Runes or now Enotria‘s Memoria.

As such, developers of Soulslike games have likely begun to accept such strategies as commonplace, but that doesn’t mean they encourage them. In fact, developers have been known to nerf overpowered farming spots in their games with post-launch patches, simply to prevent players from finishing too quickly. Enotria, on the other hand, views farming through an entirely different lens, outright encouraging players to do it if they hope to take advantage of one of the game’s most defining systems.

Enotria: The Last Song’s Mask Shards Encourage Players to Farm Enemies

While players might choose to farm enemies on their own to obtain Memoria fast in Enotria: The Last Song and level up their stats and weapons, the game actually encourages players to farm with its mask crafting system. Powerful masks are easily obtained by defeating Enotria‘s major bosses. However, occasionally, when players defeat certain enemies, they’ll obtain Mask Shards. When enough Mask Shards are acquired, they will automatically craft a unique mask associated with the enemy type the Mask Shards dropped from.

For example, upon defeating Gondoliers in Enotria‘s second region, players have a chance to receive a Gondolier Mask Shard. Each of these masks requires players to obtain a certain number of Mask Shards, some with higher requirements than others. The Gondolier Mask requires players to collect 200 Mask Shards, for instance, whereas players only need to collect 100 Gardener Mask Shards from Gardeners in Enotria‘s first region to craft the Gardener Mask.

Upon collecting all 200 Gondolier Mask Shards, the Gondolier Mask will instantly be crafted and added to the player’s inventory.

Since players are required to defeat the same enemy type over and over to obtain enough Mask Shards for these particular masks, it’s as though Enotria: The Last Song actually expects and wants its players to spend time farming to improve their character and gear. The main difference between Enotria‘s approach to farming in comparison to other Soulslikes is that players can benefit doubly from doing it in Enotria, as it has the potential to grant them useful items that are central to the core mechanics of Enotria‘s gameplay.

Enotria: The Last Song may not get everything right, but its Mask Shard crafting system sets it apart from other Soulslike games due to the way it blatantly encourages players to farm. Hopefully, more systems like this will be implemented in future Soulslikes.

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