The Mercury’s Sound Off for Monday, Sept. 23

The Mercury’s Sound Off for Monday, Sept. 23

Another day and another Democrat poll on the front page of The Mercury. Funny how polls favoring Trump never make the front page of The Mercury. Why is The Mercury pushing Kamala Harris so much? The most objective look at PA polls shows the race tied. Democrat-leaning polls have Harris in front and Republican polls show Trump in front.


Holy moly! It looks like Jill Biden is now running the country. Since when does the first lady oversee cabinet meetings? For sure she’s not cleared to hear top-secret confidential classified information. Where’s Joe? Where’s Kamala?

What is Pa. Gov. Shapiro trying to do to this state? He wants to legalize cannabis and canned cocktail drinks for sale in grocery stores. Grocery stores are already selling alcohol. All this for revenue for the state. That is always the reason he gives for his decision. What about all the traffic deaths caused by his decisions? He also approved marijuana sales for revenue. Highway deaths?

I’m gonna go out on a limb here, but I’m betting Oprah regrets having Kamala on her show last week. What a weirdly odd train wreck that was.

On Monday, Sept 9, The Mercury published the AP article, “Trump threatens to jail adversaries ahead of debate.” Glad to see it published as his most recent authoritarian threats and continued election lies haven’t gotten nearly enough coverage.


Then-Sen. Kamala Harris voted against the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act which created a booming economy and significantly increased tax revenue. As a presidential candidate, Kamala Harris is promising to let the 2017 tax cuts expire. This will result in a painful $2,394 tax increase for the average PA taxpayer, and it will slow the economy. A huge tax hike is not what we need after 3.5 years of Biden and Harris’ inflation.

Robert Minninger

I think I know why Trump hates Taylor Swift. She is a legitimate billionaire who pays her employees a decent wage with bonuses, restocks food banks in every town in which she performs, and treats those who support her with dignity. Trump can’t relate. You can’t make this stuff up!

Jay Miller

Why do people not trust our leaders? Because of Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s lies. Semafor reporter Kadia Goba asked Pelosi whether she had reevaluated her initial position on the Democratic Party nomination. “I didn’t change my mind. We had an open primary, and she won it,” Pelosi insisted. “Nobody else got in the race because she was politically astute and that was the thought.” There was no open primary and even Lefty and Patriot54 know it.


The Mercury has an excellent article on the restart of Three Mile Island (TMI). Astoundingly if the TMI unit one is restarted, the reliable power produced will be more than all of PA’s so-called renewable energy(extremely unreliable) that has been installed in the last 30 years. If it isn’t restarted, expect brownouts for the foreseeable future.

Dan Fields

Let’s get something straight, Trump is not going to cut out Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, he’s not banning abortion, he’s not going to install Project 2025 and he’s not going to be a dictator. The Democrat regime believes that if they tell these lies enough times radical liberal socialist-loving people will believe it. And it looks like it is working with the unhinged, brainwashed Sheep.

Roger M

I have a question for all Sound Off readers. If, upon graduation from med school, all medical doctors are required to take the “Hippocratic Oath,” which states in part “… will not give a woman a pessary to produce abortion…” how in good conscience can they perform an abortion, killing an unborn (human being) fetus? According to the National Library of Medicine, abortion is not healthcare, it’s murder. Google it!

Still Amazed

Lefty For The People, shame on you for sharing your conspiracy theory that the assassination attempts were “fake” and it is disgraceful that you dishonor the memory of the firefighter killed.

Does anyone remember that time when two undercover journalists exposed that Planned Parenthood was selling aborted baby parts and the California attorney general prosecuted the journalists while protecting Planned Parenthood? That attorney general was Kamala Harris. Is that the kind of person you want to be president of the US? I don’t.

Info Depot

I read the whole newspaper, not only Sound Off.

Night Light

Great quote from Tim Walz: ”I taught high school for 20 years. Every one of my students had a better answer for not doing their homework than ‘I have a concept of a plan’.” Radical Republicans really do hate America.


ABC News is the CNN of network television. As long as there’s Democrat sheeple, they’ll always have an audience.

So let me get this straight. The Democrats distributed hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars to local governments to combat the Chinese virus pandemic. The pandemic has been over for years and tens of billions of those taxpayer dollars have still gone unspent. Here’s a common sense idea that’s lost on Democrats, how about you give that money back to the taxpayers that you took it from?


America has the most robust economy in the world, and a person with 6 bankruptcies wants to run it. We are not going back. Vote Blue! Vote Kamala!


Everyone should read the story on page B2 of the September 14 Mercury about the Gaudreau brothers. The 2 brothers were killed by a drunk driver near Carneys Point, NJ. Tragedies affecting 2 families like this can be prevented by anyone who uses alcohol. Don’t drink and drive. It doesn’t matter if you have a Masters degree or not, you can’t drink and safely drive.

Michael Stern

I’m hoping very much that they don’t have another Presidential debate. Why should we have to listen to two people tell the same lies over and over again?

Elon Musk is on the verge of becoming a trillionaire. Too bad money can’t buy brains. He’s a big supporter of Trump. Can’t get dumber than that.

Patriot54, before you spread your lies about the pets being eaten, you may want to watch the televised town hall meeting with the residents of Springfield, Ohio! It’s all true! As for Lefty with your submission in Friday’s Mercury, you are either an idiot or you need mental help! You’re certainly not running on all cylinders when you make a sick statement like that!


I don’t like going through corn mazes … I feel like I’m being stalked.

Bill Wilson

A friend asked if I thought that obesity had anything to do with longevity. I thought a bit and replied, “Life is like a box of chocolates. It doesn’t last as long for fat people.”

Jim Fitch

Sound Off is an opinion forum for Mercury readers to comment on today’s news. Submissions must be 75 words or less and are subject to editing for grammar and clarity. Publication of submissions is at the sole discretion of the editor. Email your comment to [email protected]. Use “Sound Off” in the subject line of the email.

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