How Animals Predict Weather and Plan Their Trips

Animals have an exceptional ability to weather forecast They exceed human expectations, as they rely on their instinctive sense of climate change in their movements and journeys. migratory birdsFor example, they are not just objects that move from place to place randomly, but they have internal compass Sensitive to weather conditions, they can determine the ideal time to migrate between cold and warm places. As winter approaches, birds begin to Sensing subtle changes In temperature and food levels, they prepare to move to new destinations that provide a suitable climate and places rich in water and food.

This approach is not only an immediate response, but a result. Careful and precise planning It depends on their reading of the surrounding environment. Birds carefully choose areas with ideal conditions for survival, relying on their innate ability to Climate change predictionThis instinct is only part of long term development Help her adapt to the challenges of changing nature, enabling her to make vital decisions that ensure her survival in the most difficult times.

Migratory birds and their role in weather forecasting

How do birds benefit from the weather?

Migratory birds are considered one of the most sensitive organisms Towards climate change. They depend largely on the weather to determine their routes and migration seasons. For example, when the weather improves at the end of summer, some species such as Hoopoe bird In appearing in new areas, which is considered clear signal On the moderation of temperatures and the beginning of the cold season.

These birds monitor weather changes andPlanning her migration In proportion to the availability of food, water and safety in the area they are heading to. They do not land in a new area until they are sure that it provides everything they need to survive. It is noted that the presence of birds in abundance in an area is considered evidence that the weather in that area has become Nice and safe.

How Animals Predict Weather and Plan Their Trips

Hoopoe bird

Kuwait and the Hoopoe

in KuwaitThe hoopoe has been spotted in some areas. This bird is considered a rare bird in Kuwait, and its appearance is considered strong evidence of The weather is improving. And the end of summer. This example shows how birds play a key role in detecting Climate change And the changes that occur in the weather in their natural environments.

Monitoring animal behavior according to weather

Desert and animal behavior in winter and summer

The change in animal behavior with the seasons greatly affects human activities. In the desert, for example, experts always advise staying in desert areas or Forests During the winter, due to the entry of many animals into hibernation period And not coming out of their holes. Predatory mammals and reptiles They prefer to sleep in their burrows during the winter, which makes moving around these areas safer.

In contrast, during the summer, many are active. Dangerous animals In the desert at night, such as snakes and wolves. This nocturnal activity is considered evidence that temperatures are high during the day, which prompts these animals to move during the cooler night periods. Therefore, it is always warned against going to the desert at night during the summer, unless the goal is to see some Rare animals Which does not appear during the day.

Wildlife in the Emirates

Animals appear in the Dubai desert

Recently, it has been noted that Increase in the appearance of wild animals in Dubai desertincluding Deer, antelope, hare, and migratory birdsThis vital activity in the desert is evidence that environmental conditions have improved in this region. It was also seen Rare species of desert owlin addition to Reptiles and rare ones.

How Animals Predict Weather and Plan Their Trips

Mara animal

These phenomena confirm that Wildlife Deserts are not as dead as you might think. As the weather improves and temperatures moderate, many animals start to come out of their hiding places to take advantage of the favorable environmental conditions.

How Animals Predict Weather and Plan Their Trips

Man walking behind flamingo

UAE and nature reserves

Given the importance of migratory birds and wild animals in preserving ecological balanceThe UAE took the initiative By creating 49 nature reserves Distributed between Deserts, mountains and waterThese reserves aim to: Protecting endangered animals And provide a safe environment for them to reproduce and live. hunting These areas are off-limits, making them an ideal place for animals to stay safe.

Among the animals protected in these reserves are: flamingos andAlbumIn addition to many migratory species that stop in the Emirates as part of their long journeys.

How Animals Predict Weather and Plan Their Trips

A group of oryx

Animals’ ability to predict environmental disasters

Animal behavior before disasters

Some animals have a supernatural ability to Predicting natural disasters Such as earthquakes and storms. For example, before a disaster TsunamiStrange behaviors have been observed in some animals, such as: Dogs and birdsThese animals made unusual noises or even fell suddenly silent, indicating that they sensed changes preceding the disaster.

Scientists confirm that dogs, for example, have Strong sense of smell It enables it to detect gases emitted from the Earth’s crust before earthquakes occur. This is what was seen before Türkiye and Syria earthquake Last year, abnormal behavior appeared in dogs, especially when Lake Ormalak In Türkiye, where the dog seemed to be warning people of the coming disaster.

How Animals Predict Weather and Plan Their Trips

A search team in the coastal city of Rikuzentakata, which was devastated by the tsunami. Dog handler Kaori Oshima from Osaka searches through the rubble for bodies.

Tsunami and elephant incident

In a report National GeographicIt was reported that ten days before the tsunami, Elephants in India and Sri Lanka They make strange noises and move towards higher ground, while dogs unusually refuse to leave their homes. It has also been observed Animal trot Inside the zoo, proving that these creatures have super senses that enable them to sense danger before it happens.

Predicting natural disasters through animals

Countries rely on animal behavior

Some countries that are frequently exposed for natural disasters Like earthquakes or storms, it began to rely more on Animal behavior As an early sign of these disasters. Although Availability Latest technological devices For monitoringHowever, observing animal behavior can provide early evidence Helps reduce damage.

These examples show how animals not only rely on their instincts to survive, but also contribute to Warning to humans From the coming dangers. They have advanced senses that enable them to monitor changes in the environment before natural disasters occur, making them an essential partner in predicting weather and environmental disasters.

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