Marvel Snap’s Move Deck Stocks Just Went Way Up Thanks to its New Addition

Marvel Snap’s Move Deck Stocks Just Went Way Up Thanks to its New Addition

As with any other deck builder, Marvel Snap offers its players a number of archetypes to choose from. Due to the game’s system of progression, these deck archetypes are “unlocked” at wildly different rates. Among the many options that Marvel Snap presents, Move is one of the earliest decks that players can begin building.

Ironically enough, Move also happens to be one of the most volatile. Especially compared to Marvel Snap‘s best early decks, Move is far too unreliable, and often struggles to pack the same punch. This lack of consistency can be chalked up to a variety of unfortunate factors, but Move may have finally found its footing thanks to the addition of a new Activate Card.

Arana May Change the Game For Marvel Snap’s Move Deck

Move Could Never Live Up to Marvel Snap’s Best Decks

Marvel Snap has a wide variety of viable decks, but this doesn’t mean that every archetype is created equally. For example, Destroy is considered one of the easiest decks to win with in the entire game. Destroy has a number of accessible win-conditions thanks to powerful cards like Deadpool and Death, which themselves can be obtained relatively early.

There are a few things to look out for in any strong deck, but consistency is key above all else. Card draw can be unpredictable, and a linear deck can be easily countered. Of course, thanks to Marvel Snap‘s titular mechanic, concealing one’s hand is that much more important. A deck needs to be able to play its most important cards, reliably scale them up, and top the game off with a devastating finisher. Finally, all this needs to be done not only with consistency, but without giving away a game-winning strategy.

Unfortunately, Move runs contrary to nearly all of these principles. That’s not to say that Move completely lacks viability, as many players have managed to make it work. Cards like The Human Torch and Multiple Man serve a similar role in Move as Deadpool does in Destroy, but Move’s many problems prevent these cards from reaching their full potential. Thankfully, one of Marvel Snap‘s new characters has flipped this problem entirely on its head.

Arana Proves that Activate is a Game-Changer for Marvel Snap’s Move Deck

Arana was recently added to Marvel Snap as a new card within The Amazing Spider-Season. Arana is one of the first cards to debut with an Activate ability, meaning all eyes have been glued to her potential. Although her ability may seem relatively simple at a glance, the clear implications for the Move archetype have proven Arana’s power is everything it was cracked up to be.

Arana’s card text currently reads: “Give the next card you play +2 Power and move it to the right.” Similar to every Marvel Snap card with the new Activate mechanic, players can’t access Arana’s full potential on the turn that she’s played. This means Arana is a dead draw on the final turn, but her ability to delay her activation and target the perfect card for synergy more than makes up for this. Cards like Human Torch not only take her buff, but use the movement she provides to maximize their own potential.

Marvel Snap Has Made Moves to Improve Many Underrated Decks

Arana works wonders in the Move deck, and she’s not alone either. Marvel Snap recently added Madame Web, who features an Ongoing ability that allows one card to move each turn. Arana is Move’s best buff card yet, while Madame Web provides an engine unlike any the deck has seen. These two are a part of a clear effort by developers to improve Move, and this effort is working. Move decks are still largely limited to Heimdall as far as 6-cost cards are concerned, but this may eventually be addressed as well.

Arana is a great card in her own right, even finding success in archetypes outside of Move. Players have already begun to experiment with Arana in KaZoo and Destroy Decks, and this has proven her viability that much more. Although players may find use for her elsewhere, Arana perfectly complements Marvel Snap‘s best Move decks, and gives players a much stronger path to victory.

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