Siniora: This is the time to save Lebanon… and the solution is in Resolution 1701

Siniora: This is the time to save Lebanon… and the solution is in Resolution 1701

He added, “Now there is a serious matter in Lebanon, and everyone must look at the issue as saying that there is a real need to save Lebanon, because the continuation of these military operations in this way leads to serious problems at the Lebanese national level and leads to the destruction of the country.”

And note Siniora The insistence on linking the Lebanon front with the Gaza front is no longer justified, adding that after what happened on October 8, I warned then that Lebanon would be drawn into the conflict between Israel and Hamas that began on October 7.”

“I think there is a step you must take,” Siniora said Lebanese government With the cooperation of President Nabih Berri, in the beginning, there is a need to adopt a form that embraces Hezbollah, because now is not the time to heal (…) and bring the Lebanese together towards a single position calling for the implementation of UN Resolution 1701, in all its details and relevant international laws. In this matter, it is necessary for Speaker Berri to exercise his national role in this matter.”

Resolution 1701

  • The Security Council first adopted the resolution unanimously in August 2006.
  • The resolution calls on Hezbollah and Israel to immediately stop their attacks.
  • Demands that Israel withdraw all its forces from southern Lebanon.
  • Emphasizes the importance of extending the Lebanese government’s control over all of the country’s territory, so that there are no weapons
  • Without the approval of the Government of Lebanon and no authority other than the authority of the Government of Lebanon.
  • The resolution emphasizes the necessity of full respect for the “Blue Line” (dividing Lebanon and Israel).
  • Calls for the creation of an area between the Blue Line and the Litani River free of any armed individuals, assets or weapons other than those belonging to the Government of Lebanon and UNIFIL forces.

Siniora went on to say, “It is necessary for President Nabih Berri to take the initiative to move these stagnant waters that he is suffering from.” Lebanon Currently calling for the House of Representatives to convene, in a way towards coming up with a strong national position represented by the House of Representatives to bring the Lebanese together, and to reach the election of a president for the country.

He added, “Beginning in 2011, Hezbollah’s influence expanded beyond Lebanon and intervened in matters related to Syria, Yemen, and Iraq, and took on a character and justification other than the one it had by continuing to carry weapons.”

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