improve your way of breathing

I started having anxiety problems when I was a teenager. I had panic attacks and many irrational fears that did not allow me to live in peace. I visited psychological clinics and they diagnosed me with generalized anxiety. At 18 years old I started studying and practicing yoga. Not only did the postures and movement help me feel better, but I discovered that The most effective tool to calm myself was breathing..

The changes I experienced were great and since then I have dedicated myself to training with various methods to become a breathing guide and support others on their path to well-being.

In reality, all anxiety problems have a cause and several factors intertwine so that they suddenly explode in the body. “Breathing is more than a merely biochemical or physical act… breathing influences our internal organs; It affects heart rate, digestion and mood. It is a switch of the autonomic nervous system“, says James Nestorauthor of the bestsellerBreath: the New Science of a Lost Artwhere he explores how of all the functions governed by our nervous system, breathing is the only one that we can consciously alter: “You can’t be healthy unless you are breathing correctly”says the expert.

Breathing (pranayama) teaches to regulate breathing and, therefore, the mind.”

BKS Iyengar

Most of the population uses only 30% of their respiratory capacity. That is to say, almost all of us breathe shallowly. ¿The consequence of breathing badly? Migraines appear, we lack energy, we live in a state of stress and, in addition, it causes the body to malfunction. This also results in cellular aging. However, breathing not only affects our physical health, through this tool we can go further, towards the most subtle parts of our being.

BKS Iyengarwho was one of the most important yoga teachers in the world and author of the bookLight on Pranayama, said: “Breath control (pranayama) teaches how to regulate breathing and therefore the mind”. The good news is that it has been proven that breathing exercises can regulate the nervous system, mind and emotions. Which influences stronger lungs, better circulation, vitality, improved intellectual performance, less stress and, of course, better health.

How to improve breathing

Do you breathe through your mouth?If so, the quality of breathing is lower and the heart is overexerted. It is best to do it through the nose, since it is responsible for cleaning and filtering the air, so that it passes through the respiratory tract in optimal conditions.

Tip: To avoid breathing through your mouth, place a micropore strip on your lips; This way you can become aware of doing it through your nostrils. If you dare, apply this technique not only during the day, but also at bedtime.

Does the abdomen not swell?If the only thing that rises when you inhale is your chest, it is likely that your diaphragm is not moving and, therefore, you are breathing shallowly. Diaphragmatic or abdominal breathing will allow your lungs to absorb more oxygen and help reduce stress.

Tip: Lie on your back and place one hand on your chest and one on your abdomen (just below the rib cage). Observe the rhythm of your natural breathing and, after a few seconds, focus on bringing the air into your belly. Feel your stomach expand under your hand and be careful not to let the hand on your chest rise. Exhale gently and feel your abdomen return to its original position. Repeat every day for at least five minutes.

Do you have bad posture?If you raise your shoulders when you inhale or have the need to constantly stretch your body, it is possible that your body unconsciously needs to widen the rib cage to facilitate inhalation. Poor posture such as slouching forward limits the diaphragm and hinders other bodily functions, such as circulation and digestion.

Tip: When you are sitting, focus on keeping your back against the back of the chair and lengthen the crown of your head upwards. Both soles of your feet should be on the floor and your shoulders relaxed. When standing, try to keep your back straight and look forward when you walk. In your free time, practice postural re-education exercises and attend yoga or Pilates classes.

Do you yawn or sigh frequently?These are signs of poor quality breathing. These symptoms appear when the body needs to balance breathing oxygen and dioxide levels.

Tip: In addition to working on abdominal breathing, focus on inhaling for at least five seconds and exhaling for about five seconds. Repeat the sequence as many times as you can and, if possible, increase the exhalation time. Focus on the rhythm of your breathing and trying to cultivate the sensations in your body in the present.

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