How Frostpunk 2 Compares to Steampunk Games Like BioShock

How Frostpunk 2 Compares to Steampunk Games Like BioShock

A term that was coined in the 1980s, steampunk often refers to a design style that’s inspired by Victorian-era industrialism. Though there are different forms of the steampunk genre, there are some defining traits that can be found across most of its appearances in modern media, such as retrofuturistic technology that features a lot of turning cogs and, of course, steam. By this measure, Frostpunk 2 should be considered a steampunk-inspired game.

In Frostpunk 2, players are dropped into a grim post-apocalypse where a Great Frost has spread across the world, turning it into an impenetrable sheet of snow and ice. The world is inhospitable, and the only way for humanity to survive the onslaught of cold is by huddling around heat-producing generators. These generators take center stage in Frostpunk, and their heavy industrial design gives the strategy series a steampunk aesthetic. However, Frostpunk 2‘s steampunk design stands out from its contemporaries in some clear ways.

Comparing Frostpunk 2’s Art Style to Other Steampunk-Inspired Games

Frostpunk 2 Doesn’t Share BioShock Infinite’s Deceptively Bright Aesthetic

One of the most renowned steampunk games ever made, BioShock Infinite embraces its art style inspirations at every turn, with its world, enemy, NPC, and weapon design all looking distinctly steampunk. Airships float in the sky, sky-hook rails flow past buildings, tall and shiny statues litter the clean city streets, and mechanical automatons of long-dead US presidents can be found inside grand halls and museums.

On the surface, BioShock Infinite‘s steampunk world looks like a shining and prosperous utopia. But it’s hiding some dark secrets beneath that glowing exterior. BioShock Infinite‘s world is a dystopia just like Frostpunk 2‘s, it just doesn’t look quite as grimy or industrial. BioShock Infinite‘s steampunk art style is also more inspired by classic Americana imagery, while Frostpunk 2‘s steampunk aesthetic leans more into the stylings of Victorian-era England.

Frostpunk 2 and Dishonored Share a Much More Similar Art Style

A much closer comparison to Frostpunk 2‘s art style can be found in the Dishonored series. Though some fans referred to Dishonored‘s aesthetic as “Whalepunk” due to the in-game world’s reliance on whale oil for fuel rather than steam, its art style has clearly been inspired by the steampunk genre. Dishonored‘s buildings and interior spaces embrace Victorian-era architecture, and its lantern-lit streets bear a striking resemblance to those found in Frostpunk 2‘s city of New London.

A good example of the similarities between Frostpunk 2 and Dishonored‘s steampunk architecture can be found in one of the sequel’s new features. In Frostpunk 2‘s campaign, players quickly unlock a Council Hall. Though the interior of this Council Hall is only seen from a top-down perspective, its circular chambers, polished white floors, and towering glass windows all closely resemble several locations found in the original Dishonored, its DLC, and its sequel.

In Dishonored, players can also encounter a range of automaton-like enemies, such as Clockwork Soldiers, Clockwork Sentinels, and Tallboys. Frostpunk 2 features its own hulking Automaton, depicted as a mobile platform walking on four spindly, robotic legs. These Automatons are powered via Steam Cores, one of the rarest resources in Frostpunk 2.

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