Controversy over the role that Letizia Ortiz will have in the 2024 Princess of Asturias Awards: find out why

The next Thursday, October 24, the day of the Princess of Asturias Awards for the Spanish Royal Family, as confirmed by the Royal House, through the launch of the official program of the event, in which several things stand out, among them the role that Queen Letizia Ortiz will have this year.

Although the schedule of activities highlights that The entire day will be presided over by the kings, draws attention that At no time is a leading role contemplated for the wife of Philip VI, who in previous years has had notable appearances in the same framework of activities.

Instead, the program of the Princess of Asturias Awards gives a prominent role to the king and his first-born daughter, Princess Leonor, who for the first time will preside over the event as an adult and exercising her official role as heir to the throne.

In the document, available on the official website of the foundation organizing the event, it is highlighted that at different times of the event “Words from Her Royal Highness the Princess of Asturias” and “Words from His Majesty the King” will be held. At no time is Letizia’s name contemplated. On the other hand, even the name of Infanta Sofía is mentioned repeatedly in the program.

Why was Queen Letizia relegated this year in the organization of the Princess of Asturias Awards?

It is clear that for this year’s edition of the Princess of Asturias Awards King Felipe VI wanted to give all the prominence to his first-born daughter, Leonor de Borbón, without downplaying the importance of her youngest daughter, Infanta Sofía. In this way, the spotlights and lenses of the event will focus on these two figures, without the relegation of Queen Letizia being intentional.

Likewise, it has been pointed out from media such as The National, that This 2024, Don Felipe intends for attention to focus on his motherQueen Emeritus Sofia, who could already retire, after five decades of having faithfully served the Crown.

“The monarch wants the Princess of Asturias Awards to become a special date for his mother, a tribute to his long career”states the cited media.

Sothe attention that will be directed to Queen Letizia Ortiz would be even more reducedwhich has generated controversy among many of the Crown’s followers.

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