Detect your predisposition and erase it with biohacking

On October 19 we celebrate andl World Breast Cancer Dayan opportunity to raise awareness and support those who face this disease. In Mexico, he breast cancer still a real threat: Thousands of women lose their lives every year due to this disease. Find out about the risk factors and how to spot the signs in time.

Science has shown that the earlier the breast cancer screeninggreater chances of survival and less invasive treatments”says Dr. Esmeralda Bastidas, specialist in regenerative medicine.

Unfortunately, despite advances in medicine, Breast cancer remains one of the leading causes of death in women. However, the CEO of NEOCLINIC reminds us that detecting your genetic predisposition is the first step towards more effective prevention. There are now cutting-edge genetic tests and personalized monitoring plans so you can take control of your health.

One of the main causes of breast cancer mortality is its detection in advanced stages“, indicates Violeta Sánchez, gynecologist at NEOCLINIC.

In Mexico, around 60 to 70% of women are diagnosed in advanced stages.

The importance of early detection

Imagine being able to know your risk of developing breast cancer with a simple saliva test. According to Dr. María del Mar Guerra, CEO of MEDAE, this information empowers us to make informed decisions about our health and adopt lifestyles that reduce risk. Thanks to epigenetics, we can modify the expression of our genes and prevent diseases.

“Genetics only intervenes in 10 to 20% in the development of any disease, in reality stress, lifestyle and habits are the ones that intervene the mosthence the importance of working in a personalized way to help stop the expression of these genes”, points out Dr. Bastidas, also a specialist in cell therapy and biohacking.

5 biohacking tools to prevent breast cancer

Have you ever wondered how to optimize your body and mind to reach your full potential? Biohacking offers you the answers. The specialists explain that biohacking allows us to personalize our health by ‘hacking’ our cells.
Using five key tools, we can reprogram our biology to prevent diseases and optimize our well-being. Discover how to apply these techniques in your daily life and achieve optimal health.

  1. Genomic studies: Personalized medicine is transforming the fight against breast cancer. Thanks to pharmacogenomics, we can both predict our genetic predisposition and select the most appropriate treatment for each patient. This means greater efficiency, fewer side effects and a better quality of life.
  2. Stress control: Numerous scientific studies have shown that Stress is responsible for a significant percentage of diseases. Fortunately, technology has advanced enough to offer us tools like sonic and light resonance devices that help us calm the nervous system, reduce stress, and improve our long-term health.
  3. Cellular nutrition: By delivering high doses of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants directly into the bloodstream through intravenous infusions, orthomolecular nutrition optimizes nutrient absorptionfacilitates cellular detoxification and promotes optimal health in a personalized way.
  4. Cellular therapy: Stem cells are the key to tissue regeneration and the fight against diseases. By strengthening the immune system and promoting the repair of damaged tissues, these cells offer hope for the treatment of various conditions, including cancer. Regenerative medicine brings us closer to a future where chronic diseases can be treated more effectively.
  5. Hormonal control: Hormonal balance is essential for our health and well-being. A balanced hormonal system promotes a healthy sexual appetitepromotes muscle development, improves skin quality and can contribute to the prevention of certain diseases

By combining biohacking tools with public health recommendations, Women become the protagonists of their well-being, of course, without replacing mammography, which is currently the most effective and recommended tool to detect anomalies. Precision medicine, along with healthy habits, allows us to take control of our health and prevent diseases such as breast cancer.

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