Fans Are Concerned About Michael Jordan In Latest Photo

Fans Are Concerned About Michael Jordan In Latest Photo
(Photo by James Gilbert/Getty Images)


Michael Jordan is considered the greatest basketball player of all time, even by young fans who never got to see him play.

But the six-time NBA champion is now 61 years old, which means health problems could be a concern.

A new image of Jordan, shared by B/R Football on X, has a lot of people talking.

Jordan was in Europe watching the Monaco versus Barcelona soccer game and a number of people noted that his eyes looked yellow.

They all hopped on social media to share their concerns and hope for the best for His Airness.

Some people pleaded with Jordan to get his liver checked.

This isn’t the first time people have wondered about a problem with that organ, as liver issues often manifest with yellow eyes.

Other people said they hate seeing Jordan in such a state.

But the unavoidable truth is that he is getting older and aging takes its toll on everyone.

Some said Jordan just needs to focus on drinking more water.

There have been questions about his diet and alcohol intake over the years because of photos like this.

Concerned fans want him to take care of himself and monitor what he consumes.

Others said it looked like Jordan was nearly in tears, although most photos showed him having a great time at the game.

To be fair, Jordan has never publicly acknowledged any illness or health condition.

Additionally, that is a private matter and only his business.

But, understandably, fans are concerned when they see images of Jordan that are alarming.

Even though he is no longer a player, the NBA world still needs Jordan and doesn’t want anything bad to happen to him.


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