How To Get All Achievements In Crusader Kings 3

How To Get All Achievements In Crusader Kings 3

Until Death Do Us Part

Marry another character

Start as an unmarried character.

Stressful Situation

Suffer from a Mental Break

Make decisions that add Stress. This is easier with some Personality Traits, such as Shy.

Moving up in the World

Increase your Rank

Start as a Count and war or scheme your way to become a Duke. This also works for Duke to King and King to Emperor.

Know Your Place

Defeat a faction in war

Enact higher crown authority and annoy vassals to make them form a faction. Do this while building up a strong army.

Fine Print

Use a hook to modify a feudal contract

Send your Spymaster to find secrets in the courts of vassals. Then blackmail them for hooks and click on them to modify a contract.

Non Nobis Domine

Found a Holy Order

Have enough gold and Piety, and a city or castle to give away. There are other requirements which are shown in the decision.

Followed by Shadows

Know 10 secrets simultaneously

Assign your Spymaster to find secrets at other courts. Having high Intrigue helps too.

Bad Blood

Go to war with one of your siblings over a Claim

Play as an elderly ruler with at least two sons and wait for succession when titles will be split. More likely in 867.

The Succession is Safe

Have 10 living children

This is easier for parents with high fertility and health, as well as the Lustful Trait. Isolate your capital from plagues to keep children safe.


Reach the highest possible Piety Level

Go on expensive pilgrimages and always make decisions that reward Piety. Catholics can exchange gold for Piety. Traits such as Zealous will help and any that are considered virtues are the best to get.

Dreadful Ruler

Have the maximum amount of dread

The Intimidation lifestyle and Traits such as Wrathful and Sadistic will help. Execute prisoners and make other similar decisions.

Turning to Diamonds

Reach the highest possible Stress level

Take decisions that incur Stress and don’t choose coping mechanisms during a Mental Break.

For the Faith!

Take part in a successful Great Holy War, on either side

Play as a Catholic ruler in 1066 and build a strong army while waiting for the first crusade later in the 11th century.


Reach the highest possible Prestige Level

Haesteinn of Montaigu starts with a high level of fame. Travel and conquer new lands to gain more.


Have 100 living dynasty members

Always arrange marriages to fertile spouses and starting with a large Dynasty helps. There should be plenty of large ones in 1178.

An Unfortunate Accident

Inherit a title from someone you murdered.

Have high Intrigue and the best Intrigue Perks. Wait till you’re the heir to the title of someone with low Intrigue, and plot a murder.

A Legacy to Last the Ages

Complete an entire Dynasty Legacy

Charles the Bold in 867 starts with Renown for two legacies and his Dynasty is large which helps.

Way of Life

Complete an entire Lifestyle (all three trees)

This is easiest on a character with a 4-star Education Trait and even better with the Genius Trait to speed up how fast Lifestyle points are gained. The Learning Lifestyle is great because the first tree improves health, and living long is key for this Achievement.

The Emerald Isle

Starting as an Irish ruler, hold the Kingdom of Ireland

This can be completed by continuing with the tutorial.

It’s not a Cult

Create a Faith

Get the Prophet Perk from the Learning lifestyle as this significantly reduces the cost of creating a Faith.

From Rags to Riches

Starting as a Count, lead your line to rule an Empire

Ayaz Alp Arslanonlu in 1066 starts as a Count and heir to the Seljuk Empire.

A House of My Own

Create a Cadet Branch of your Dynasty

It’s important that characters aren’t the House Head for this decision to be available.

Death Did Us Part

Murder your spouse

An Intrigue lifestyle and Traits will help this. So will have a spouse with low Intrigue.

A Name Known Throughout the World

Have a dynasty reach the highest possible Level of Splendor

Some Dynasties start off with higher Splendor. Having Dynasty members as kings, dukes etc helps to generate Renown.

Not So Feudal System

Use the Claim Throne scheme successfully

This option is unlocked with Stewardship Perk; Meritocracy.

Paragon of Virtue

Have three or more virtuous Traits

The Turumism Faith is a good option as they can gain a third virtuous Trait by completing a hunt for the Hunter Trait.


Fully upgrade a duchy capital building anywhere in your personal domain

Stewardship will help with this for the gold and bonuses to building faster at cheaper prices.

Beacon of Progress

Have your culture unlock all innovations, excluding regional and culture-specific innovations

Start in 1178 to have more unlocked and focus on having a high Learning skill and some of the best Learning Perks. This will speed up fascination progress.

Keeping it in the Family

Have a child with the Inbred trait

King Alfonso VI of Leon is already lovers with his sister in 1066.

Going Places

As Haesteinn of Montaigu in 867, hold any Kingdom tier title.

Cornwall is an easy target, but Haesteinn will likely succeed anywhere.

The Things We Do for Love

Murder your lover’s spouse

Having high Intrigue and Perks relating to scheming will help. It’s easier if the target has low Intrigue and always assign your Spymaster to help.

Rise from the Ashes

Restore the Roman Empire

The easiest start is the Byzantine Empire in 867, but players can also do this with the Holy Roman Empire. They will need to control the territory of the Roman Empire and meet other requirements.

Trapped in the Web

Have strong hooks on three direct vassals

This can be done with the Truth is Relative Intrigue Perk and by assigning your Spymaster to Find Secrets in the courts of vassals.

End of an Era

Play until 1453

Start in 1178 and make sure you always have an heir to avoid a game over.

The Emperor’s New Clothes

While holding any empire title, be naked

Try to convert to Adamitism as an Emperor as this Faith isn’t a fan of clothes. The Lunatic Trait also has a small chance of triggering a nude event.

Almost There

As Almos Arpad, form Hungary and convert to Christianity

This is an 867 start. Use the Migrate to Pannonia casus belli to beat Bulgaria.

What Nepotism?

Have your Dynasty rule ten independent realms of at least Kingdom tier simultaneously

As the ruler of a vast Empire made up of many Kingdoms, players should be able to appoint their family members to the Kingdoms.

Kings to the Seventh Generation

Starting as Count Eudes of Anjou in 867, lead your Dynasty to rule the Kingdom of France

Players should focus on claiming the Duchy of Anjou and from there they can play tall until they are powerful enough to use the Claim Throne scheme which is unlocked with the Meritocracy Stewardship Perk.


As any one character, successfully seduce ten people

The Seducer Intrigue Lifestyle and Trait is key for this. Gaining attraction bonuses will also help. There are also a few ways to use 2 Personal Schemes at once. For example, having a level 10 Diplomatic court.

Above God

Have a strong hook on your Head of Faith

This is done with a high-Intrigue character who has the Truth is Relative Perk, which allows them to Fabricate a Hook. This is easier if the Pope has low Intrigue and you have good agents to help.

Carolingian Consolidation

Starting as a Karling, be the only independent Karling to hold a landed title

Start as Count Herbert of Vermandois, who is the last Karling in 1066. Once you have enough power and allies, start an independence faction.

The Things Love Does for Us

Have a lover save you from a murder attempt

Find a lover with a high Intrigue stat and gain rivals to increase the odds of assassination attempts.

Sibling Rivalry

Starting as any of the Jimena siblings in 1066, become Emperor of Spain

Alfonso can easily kill his brothers with high Intrigue to get their thrones. Then focus on conquering Navarra to be able to use the Unite the Spanish Thrones decision. After that you should be strong enough to eventually take the rest of the Iberian Peninsula.

Royal Dignity

Starting as Vratislav Premyslid in 1066, lead your Dynasty to rule Bohemia and the Holy Roman Empire

By saving gold players can create the Duchy of Moravia and then the Kingdom of Bohemia. After that, scheme and sway to get elected as emperor.

Blood Eagle

Starting as any child of Ragnarr Lothbrok, conquer all of the British Isles

Halfdan Whiteshirt in 867 is the easiest start as he already controls Jorvik and can quickly make a powerbase in the north of England.

Last Count, First King

Starting as Duke Nuno of Portucale in 1066, form Portugal

The Fates of Iberia DLC can make this easier as the Kingdom of Portugal can be founded without being independent while in the Opportunity Phase.

Give a dog a Bone

Starting as Matilda di Canossa in 1066, rule Italy, have 50 Dynasty members, and found a Holy Order

Use your Realm Priest to Fabricate Claims on land to eventually gain the Kingdom of Italy. Make sure to marry your sons off to fertile spouses for the 50 Dynasty members. To found a Holy Order you will need one spare castle or city and lots of gold and Piety.

Norman Yoke

Starting as William in 1066, win the Invasion, become English, and have only English vassals

After winning the relatively easy war, move your capital to England for the decision to become English. You can then try to revoke titles over time or transfer non-English vassals to your English ones.


Starting as an Iberian Christian, convert all of Iberia to Christianity

It will take time to conquer the non-Christian land, but the Theologian Lifestyle tree and Trait will help. Set your Realm Priest to Convert Faith. The 1178 start date should be the easiest, as more land is Christian.

Land of the Rus

Starting as Rurik the Troublemaker in 867, lead your dynasty to rule the Empire of Russia

The Kingdom of Novgorod can be formed at the start of the game. From there you will need conquer land or convince others to accept vassalage.

Seven Holy Cities

As a Hindu ruler, hold all seven Hindu Holy Sites at the same time

Maharaja Bhoja of Pratihara in 867 starts out with 6 of these Holy Sites. The other is held by a duke whom you’ll need to acquire a casus belli against.


Starting as an Iberian Muslim, control Iberia and take the Avenge the Battle of Tours decision

Easiest in 867 as the Sultan already controls most of Iberia. You will also need to conquer part of the south of France to take the decision.


As a French Catholic, hold the Kingdom of Thessalonika without being vassalized to Byzantium

This is arguably easiest in 1178 as the Byzantine Empire is at its weakest.

Wily as the Fox

Starting as Robert the Fox in 1066, rule Sicily, hold a Greek Kingdom, and convert it to Catholicism

It’s possible to do this as a vassal to the Byzantine Empire and by warring with vassals for the Greek lands.

Mother of us All

Starting as Daurama Daura, have your line reform an African faith, and convert all of Africa to it

Players will want to focus on Learning and the Theologian tree to reform a Faith easier. Taking the Faith Tenets of Mendicant Preachers and Sanctioned False Conversions can help convert Faith faster. Warmonger will also help.

A Perfect Circle

Have only two distinct parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents

The Messalianism Faith is best to allow incestuous marriages, and playing in an isolated region such as Iceland should prevent other Faiths from warring against you. Marry siblings for three generations, and try to make sure they don’t cheat.

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