Kamala Harris, in her own words

Kamala Harris, in her own words

With Election Day approaching, candidate Kamala Harris was facing mounting criticism for ducking interviews.

So, for eleven minutes on September 12, Harris sat down with Philadelphia’s ABC 6 anchor Brian Taff for her first solo TV interview since Democrats unceremoniously dumped Joe Biden.

Taff lobbed Kamala the sort of softball questions friendly media customarily ask Democrats, so one would expect any even semi-qualified Democrat to knock them out of the park.

So, did she? You be the judge:

Taff: “Talk about bringing down prices and making life more affordable for people. What are one or two specific things you have in mind for that?”

Kamala: “Well, I’ll start with this. I grew up a middle-class kid. My mother raised my sister and me. She worked very hard. She was able to finally save up enough money to buy our first house when I was a teenager. I grew up in a community of hardworking people. You know, construction workers and nurses and teachers. I try to explain to some people who might not have had the same experience, but a lot of people will relate to this.

“You know, I grew up in a neighborhood of people who were really proud of their lawn, you know, and I was raised to believe and to know that all people deserve dignity and that we as Americans have a beautiful character. You know, we have ambitions and aspirations and dreams, but not everyone necessarily has access to the resources that can help them fuel those dreams and ambitions. So, when I talk about building an opportunity economy, it is very much with the mind of investing in the ambitions and aspirations and the incredible work ethic of the American people and creating opportunity for people, for example, to start a small business.”

Reader challenge: List “Specific Thing” number 1, and “Specific Thing” number 2.

“Opportunity economy,” “ambitions,” “aspirations, and “dreams” appear to be Kamala’s latest word salad dressings of choice.

When asked how she differs from her nominal boss (and four-year co-failure), Harris replied that she is “obviously not Joe Biden” because she offers an “opportunity economy” and “a new generation of leadership.”

She then “elaborated” on “opportunity economy”:

“For example, thinking about developing and creating an opportunity economy where it’s about investing in areas that really need a lot of work and maybe focusing on, again, the aspirations and the dreams but also just recognizing that at this moment in time some of this stuff we could take for granted years ago, we can’t take for granted anymore.

“My approach is about new ideas, new policies that are directed at the current moment. And also, to be very honest with you, my focus is very much in what we need to do over the next 10 to 20 years to catch up to the 21st century around, again, capacity but also challenges.”

Got that? Specifics? Anyone … anyone?

When asked what she understands about former President Donald Trump’s “appeal … and how … you speak to his voters [about it],” Harris delivered this:

“I, based on experience and a lived experience, know in my heart, I know in my soul, I know that the vast majority of us as Americans have so much

more in common than what separates us. And I also believe that I am accurate in knowing that most Americans want a leader who brings us together as Americans, and not someone who professes to be a leader who is trying to have us point our fingers at each other. … I think people are exhausted with that approach.”

She’s right. People are exhausted – from nearly four years of two witless White House mediocrities and their surrogates “pointing fingers at” and slandering regular Americans who did not and will not vote for them as “existential threats to democracy.”

Other than the policy details she refuses to – or cannot – share, everything you need to know about a Harris presidency was encapsulated in that one brief interview.

Not to worry, though, the incoherent happy talk will totally cure inflation, close the border, and intimidate Vlad Putin and Xi Jinping…!

The interview was so “successful” that Kamala’s opponent posted the entire eleven minutes online – as a Trump campaign ad.

Kamala Harris has no accomplishments, no primary votes, no plan – and no idea what she’s talking about.

Contact columnist Jerry Shenk at [email protected]

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