Metaphor: ReFantazio – Recruitment Question Guide

Metaphor: ReFantazio – Recruitment Question Guide

When you first reach the Recruitment Centre in Metaphor: ReFantazio, the Haughty Captain will ask you a few questions before also asking for you to name the Protagonist. While the first question may not seem like much, the second question carries a lot more weight than one may think.

The second question determines the starting stats for the protagonist, both increasing a stat while also decreasing another or even multiple. Making the right build in this game requires the right start, making it important to answer this question correctly to get the stats you want. Here’s a breakdown of all the stats for each answer.

The second question from the captain will be to tell them about any noteworthy skills you have to bring to the army. Every time you level up, you’ll be given one skill point to increase any stat of your choosing, on top of the one stat that is increased naturally with each level. The set stats you get upon leveling up will be fairly equal across each stat, giving a balanced foundation to build off. The first question the captain asks you carries no weight and doesn’t change anything.

The second requirement question does let you get a head start in whatever stat you want to prioritize, and the full breakdown of your starting stats with each answer is listed below:


Starting Stats For The Protagonist

I’m stronger than I look.

  • St -7
  • Ma – 3
  • En – 5
  • Ag – 5
  • Lk – 5

I’ve got a sharp mind.

  • St – 3
  • Ma – 7
  • En – 5
  • Ag – 5
  • Lk – 5

I can take a lot of punishment.

  • St – 5
  • Ma – 5
  • En – 7
  • Ag – 3
  • Lk – 5

I’m small, but quick.

  • St – 5
  • Ma – 5
  • En – 3
  • Ag – 7
  • Lk – 5

I’ve always been lucky.

  • St – 4
  • Ma – 4
  • En – 4
  • Ag – 4
  • Lk – 9

The stat difference from any of these questions will eventually be meaningless later in the game on top of the boost from your chosen Archetype, though the best answer will vary depending on the play style you want. You should pick if you want to focus on Physical or Magical damage, and from there pick one of the first two options to start on the build you want to pursue. While the other stats seem important, your damage stat should always be the highest, and it’s best to pick either physical or magic and invest all your points into just one.

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