New Claims Say Meghan Markle Is Not Just a ‘Dictator in High Heels’ She’s Also a ‘Demon Boss’

New Claims Say Meghan Markle Is Not Just a ‘Dictator in High Heels’ She’s Also a ‘Demon Boss’

Royal family

Soon after a few people who worked for Meghan Markle tried to paint her as a good kind boss, members of the Sussex Survivors Club called her a “demon boss.”

It’s been a rough few weeks for Meghan Markle. Following a damning story published in The Hollywood Reporter in which several people who work and have worked for her described the duchess as a “terrible boss” everyone is “terrified of” who “barks out orders” like a “dictator in high heels,” a few people came to Meghan’s defense.

But the effort to clear up the former Suits star‘s image appears to have backfired. After some painted glowing portraits of what an incredible and wonderful boss Meghan is, the Sussex Survivors Club fought back labeling her a “demon boss.”

Here’s more on that and what’s being said about Harry’s wife‘s “psycho moments.”

Meghan’s current and former employees tried to dispel ‘dictator in high heels’ claims

The blow to Meghan’s reputation as a boss is something she doesn’t need or want now, especially since she’s been on the hunt to find someone to lead her lifestyle brand and is looking for more Hollywood projects to come her way. So in an almost predictable move, a few people who currently work for and who used to work for Meghan started singing her praises.

Meghan Markle attends the 'Responsible Digital Future' forum at EAN University in Bogota, Colombia
Meghan Markle attends the ‘Responsible Digital Future’ forum at EAN University in Bogota, Colombia | Juancho Torres/Getty Images

Those included the duke and duchess’s press secretary, Ashley Hansen, and former Archewell president Mandana Dayani.

Hansen told US Weekly that when she let Meghan and Harry know that she had to undergo serious surgery she was “met with the kind of concern and care a parent would express if it were their own child. I was asked what I needed, how and if they could help, and told to take as much time as I needed.”

Dayani also gave the publication a five-star review of the couple saying: “Throughout every global crisis, their first question was always: ‘How can we help?’ Whether they were veterans, women, refugees, animals in harm, they both showed up. Never asking for anything in return … Just last week, as Meghan and I were planning our next lunch, I told her how excited I was to pick her brain on my latest ventures. These are kind, decent, caring people who I am very proud to call my friends.”

Former staffers label the duchess as a ‘demon boss’ who has ‘psycho moments’

Following those counterclaims, The Hollywood Reporter stood by its story, and members of the Sussex Survivors Club did not let Meghan’s crisis management team have the last word.

Meghan Markle speaking on stage during the Opening Ceremony of the Invictus Games
Meghan Markle speaking on stage during the Opening Ceremony of the Invictus Games | Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images

One former employee, who was on Meghan’s staff in the run-up to her royal wedding, spoke to The Daily Beast and said: “I always thought she was a classic narcissist, and getting her staff to tell a magazine how amazing she is only confirms that in my mind. She is lovely when it is all going her way but a demon when the worm turns.”

Another person recalled how a florist was “screamed at down the phone” for half an hour after they posted an insignificant detail online about a bouquet they were working on for Meghan. They vowed never to work with her again … If you were working for her, you were often treated like a tradesman who could be treated like s***.”

And another former aide summed things up by explaining: “There have been plenty of difficult royals over the years, and I do think that after the ill-feeling of Megxit, Meghan’s bad moments were amplified and distorted and blown out of proportion. Princess Margaret regularly got people to hold out their hands to use as ashtrays, for example, and that’s just laughed off as hilarious eccentricity. Look at Prince Andrew, he was unbelievable to the staff. That said, there definitely were bad, very bad, even psycho moments [with Meghan]. I witnessed people being chewed up in person and over the phone and made to feel like s***.”

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