Richard Jefferson Believes There Is Too Much Pressure On LeBron James

Richard Jefferson Believes There Is Too Much Pressure On LeBron James
(Photo by Ronald Martinez/Getty Images)


Ever since coming to the Los Angeles Lakers, LeBron James has been the team’s most important and impactful player.

But some people believe too much responsibility is being placed on his shoulders.

Richard Jefferson thinks that’s the case, according to a new quote shared by Legion Hoops.

He compared James’ time in LA with Michael Jordan’s tenure with the Washington Wizards towards the end of his career.

“Too much pressure on LeBron,” Jefferson said, before adding, “We look at the defending champions, the Boston Celtics. The Lakers are three all-star caliber players away from being on their level.”

There are plenty of Lakers fans who will dispute this argument from Jefferson.

For starters, James’ Lakers have been far more successful than Jordan’s Wizards, especially since they won a championship in 2020.

Secondly, James has continued to play at an incredibly high level after several years with the team.

Jordan still played very well when he was in Washington but retired after two seasons, while James has been with the Lakers for six.

James has done more for longer than Jordan did with the Wizards.

But it’s hard to argue with the fact that the Lakers demand a lot from James because he remains one of the best players in the league.

As long as he is posting more than 25 points, 7 rebounds, and 8 assists per game, the Lakers will continue to put a lot on his shoulders.

James seems ready for that, despite multiple instances of coaches and analysts saying he should lessen his load and get more time on the bench.

The Lakers might not be on the same level as the Celtics right now, but James remains the team’s smartest choice for their most valuable player.


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