Sabrina Bow, Azusa City Council District 2 candidate, 2024 election questionnaire – Whittier Daily News

Sabrina Bow, Azusa City Council District 2 candidate, 2024 election questionnaire – Whittier Daily News

Ahead of the November general election, the Southern California News Group compiled a list of questions to pose to the candidates who wish to represent you. You can find the full questionnaire below. Questionnaires may have been edited for spelling, grammar, length and, in some instances, to remove hate speech and offensive language.

MORE: Read all the candidate responses in our Voter Guide

Name: Sabrina Bow

Current job title: Board Member, Azusa Unified School District

Political party affiliation: Non-Partisan

Incumbent: No

Other political positions held: Board member, Azusa Unified School District (2020 to present); City of Azusa Commissioner 2019 to present

City where you reside: Azusa

Campaign website or social media:

Southern California home prices are hitting all-time highs, forcing many out of the market for homes because they cannot afford them. And it’s kept many prospective sellers from giving up their homes, because they too cannot afford to move. What can be done in your city to make housing more affordable?

Safe, stable, and affordable housing is the foundation of a thriving community. As a city, Azusa must ensure that families – including our seniors and veterans – of all income levels have access to the basic right of having a roof over their heads.

The moral obligation to provide housing for every resident requires our city leaders cut the red tape–eliminate bureaucracy and barriers to progress. We must streamline the planning and permitting processes so we can realize projects that make a real difference to families that choose to make Azusa their home, and to those existing homeowners who want to improve their properties.

Additionally, we need to take a hard look at our values and come to terms with what affordable housing means for our city, including enforcing the 2022 mobile home park rent stabilization ordinance that is currently impacting hundreds of seniors living on fixed incomes.

What would be your top two priorities if elected/re-elected?

I am committed to ensuring Fiscal Responsibility and Transparent Communication. Fiscal Responsibility: We must innovate to create sustainable revenue streams and spend wisely our taxpayer dollars to ensure that every resident in every part of the city is equally protected, supported, and served. Transparent Communication: As stewards of public funds, the city must communicate how decisions are made–without surprises. Getting more youth, families, business owners, and neighborhood representatives involved in the civic process–whether through council meetings, town halls, small business chats, commissions, or volunteer events strengthens the fabric that connects us and builds trust in our city leadership.

The U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision in Grants Pass v. Johnson gave authority to state and local officials to clear public homeless encampments, after years of tension on the issue. And Gov. Gavin Newsom issued an executive order in July that directs state agencies to clear homeless encampments from state land, urging cities and local leaders to do the same. What did you think of the decision?

I support the Supreme Court’s decision and the Governor’s executive order. As a parent of young children, clean streets and parks are important to me. At the same time, I hold a tremendous amount of compassion for people who are unhoused, so it is important that we both ensure and increase the services we provide to individuals and families both at-risk and experiencing homelessness.

As an example, in addition to the new 25-bed Azusa Resource Center with 24 hour security and comprehensive substance abuse and job training services, Azusa’s pilot program, through the SGV Regional Housing Trust / SGV Council of Governments is a prevention-diversion-voucher program that is operated through our library system and enables staff to provide multi-level support to those in need. These programs are a great start, and as your Councilwoman, I will continue to partner with regional, county, and federal officials to secure funding for our city to provide more for those in need.

Do you believe dividing your city up into districts is the best way to govern the city? If so, what separates this district from the rest of the city? If not, how would you make sure no one is left behind in the process?

As a commissioner since 2019, and as a school board member who was elected at-large in 2020, and who now represents a trustee area for Azusa Unified, I can tell you that my ability to govern effectively and uphold the voice of all residents is NOT about where I live, but rather about my ability to put our entire community’s needs and wants at the forefront, and ensure we have the systems and people in place to sustain excellence for years to come.

Regardless of district or at-large elections, what is important is that Azusa’s elected officials uphold their duty as fiduciaries of public funds and as keepers of the public’s trust. Being open, honest, visible, and accessible is part of the job we undertake as public servants. Elected officials need to be able to receive criticism with humility and engage in respectful dialogue with residents from throughout the city to ask, “How can we do better?”

Do you believe your city’s finances are being managed responsibly and effectively? If elected, what changes would you push for to maximize taxpayer funds?

As a homeowner and taxpayer, I am glad to know that our city is finally able to invest in much-needed capital improvements and safety initiatives–although as a parent whose children have participated in city programs, I feel we can do more to expand equity and access.

As your Councilwoman, I will engage with my fellow council members and city staff to develop and implement a city budget workshop series to better engage residents in our budget process. After all, our city budget is a blueprint that should be designed to align our values with our resources.









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