“Salary” or “Experience”: What matters more to Generation Z?

47% of Generation Z professionals plan to leave their jobs within two years and the reason is “salary”

Generation Z is lazy.. Generation Z doesn’t like to work.. Generation Z has a lot of requirements.. And now, Generation Z changes jobs within two years because of the salary!

All of the above are theories that were developed based on studies conducted on children. Generation Z From different countries, races and shapes, and then led to the formation of a general bad idea about them among many.

A recent survey of Gen Z employees by Unstop, a student and graduate recruitment and talent acquisition platform in India, found that 47% of Gen Z professionals plan to leave their jobs within two years, and HR professionals believe the reason is salary. What is the truth behind this? Is Gen Z really more concerned with money than professional experience?

“Salary” or “Experience”: What matters more to Generation Z?

Job satisfaction is more important than salary!

Unstop’s recently published report, “Gen Z in the Workplace,” is based on a survey of more than 5,350 Gen Z employees and 500 HR professionals, according to the newspaper. The Hindustan Times.

The results showed that 47% of Gen Z professionals plan to leave their jobs within two years, while many prioritize work-life balance when evaluating potential employers.

"Salary" or "Experience"..What matters most to Generation Z?

The report also highlighted significant anxiety among Generation Z professionals, with 51% expressing fear of losing their jobs at the moment. This anxiety extends to their career prospects, with 40% worried about whether they will be able to secure jobs in their preferred fields once they enter the workforce.

Despite these reservations, Gen Z shows a clear set of priorities when it comes to their careers. According to the survey results, 77% of respondents prioritize branding over advertising, with 43% seeking work experience and growth opportunities.

This focus on career development is underscored by the fact that 72% of Gen Z consider job satisfaction more important than salary, according to the report.

Gap between Generation Z and HR

The study also revealed a gap between Gen Z motivations and HR perceptions. While 78% of Gen Z change jobs for career growth, 71% of HR professionals assume the primary reason is “getting better pay.”

In fact, only 25% of Gen Zers cite “money” as their primary motivation when changing jobs.

"Salary" or "Experience"..What matters most to Generation Z?

While 44% of recruiters believe that Gen Z values ​​company culture more than career advancement, the reality is more nuanced. Gen Z seeks a balance between the two, with a strong focus on personal and professional development opportunities. What they want, in short, is a strong career path with room for promotions and a vibrant, supportive culture, the report said.

“For the youngest generation in the workforce, work is not just a place you go every day to deposit money into your account on a regular basis, it has to fit seamlessly into many key aspects of your life,” said Ankit Agrawal, Founder and CEO of Unstop.

“Gen Z is reminding us that work should be part of life, not the other way around, and this is a call to action for both employers and recruiters, as the new generation of employees will prefer employers who adapt to these rapidly changing expectations,” Agrawal added.

Work-life balance is an important factor to consider in any job for Gen Z, with 47% of them saying it is the most important factor when evaluating potential employers. An ideal workday for them involves completing routine tasks efficiently, leaving them to build skills and productivity without feeling overwhelmed, The Hindustan Times reported.

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