Space Marine 2: Tyranids Vs Chaos Space Marines

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 begins with Demetrian Titus in the Deathwatch, trying to stop an infestation of bug-like aliens known as Tyranids. They are the replacement for Orks which is what the original game focused on. Tyranids are not the only enemies players will fight though as Chaos Space Marines will enter the picture as well.

Between the two, fans may be wondering who are the deadlier opponents in Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2. This tentative comparison will take into account numbers, powers, intelligence, and so on just for fun. To properly do a deep dive on these enemies, there need to be spoilers in effect.

6 The Bosses: Chaos Space Marines

The Final Boss Alone Is Killer

Space Marine 2: Tyranids Vs Chaos Space Marines

Both Factions within Space Marine 2 have some compelling boss battles that will not go down easy. On the Tyranid side, players are going to struggle the most against the Lictor. It’s fast and it can turn invisible sort of like the Predator which is funny seeing as how players will be in a swampy jungle.

The Chaos Space Marines have four boss encounters and two of them are technically repeated. There is a giant piece of hulking armor in Space Marine 2 called the Helbrute that is as annoying as it is strong. Then there is the mastermind behind it all, Imurah, who brings in a giant Chaos beast in the final showdown. It’s going to take a lot to bring him down, so good luck on that because it’s an unfair advantage.

5 The Numbers: Tyranids

Can Overwhelm In Swarms

Shooting a swarm of Tyranids in Space Marines 2

Imurah and the other Chaos-based bosses of the game can be intense. The normal Chaos Space Marines can be dangerous too as they can come in large droves especially when players are pushing forward with the entire Ultra Marine company at the end. As a normal gameplay enemy though, their numbers are not that high and they can fall easily if players are smart enough with their strategies in Space Marine 2.

The same cannot be said for the Tyranids because they come in one style: swarms. From the very start of the game, these bug-like monsters can be overwhelming which is something fans of the original may not be ready for. It turns the experience into a different game type almost like a zombie shooter if the zombies were as fast and numerous as ants.

4 Outward Abilities: Chaos Space Marines

The Ability To Manipulate The World

Imurah in Space Marines 2

This power falls onto Imurah in Space Marine 2 although it is unknown if he is getting help from beyond the rifts or not. Either way, he has the power to do a lot and he may or may not be just one soldier. First, he can create armies using monsters and reanimated armor of fallen Ultra Marines. These Ultra Marines can be infused with magic too, giving them the ability to breathe fire.

Also, they can manipulate the environment to make it look like waves. Imurah’s power can also twist the minds of man which is a power shared by the Tyranid boss-type known as Neurothrope. Neurothrope’s ability is more like a psychedelic rush but it is still deadly. Beyond that, the supernatural powers of the hive-minded Tyranids cannot compare to Imurah or any other able-minded Chaos agents.

3 Intelligence Factor: Tyranids

Drones Versus Husks

A Carnifex in Space Marines 2

Tyranids may be part of a hive mind but they are also individuals. This is more true when it comes to the elite types or even the small ones that shoot gun-like devices. They are living breathing creatures who are all trying to kill their enemies for the good of the hive.

The Chaos Space Marines are mostly husks of armor walking around via magic. Yes, they are stronger than the Tyranids but they are not smarter. They cannot think because most of the ones players will encounter in the game are even less human than Al in Fullmetal Alchemist. The big difference is that Al was alive as his soul was bound to a set of armor and in Space Marine 2, these Chaos Space Marines moved around largely from Imurah’s will filling energy into suits of armor.

2 Transporting Through Worlds: Chaos Space Marines

Using Rifts To Their Full Advantage

Ultra Marines marching in Space Marines 2

Transportation is half the battle for the enemies in the game and it is half the battle in real life. Moving a giant army across Europe, let’s say, would be easier with the use of rifts compared to taking them via boats or planes. The Tyranids move around the planet via small hives transporting smaller creatures.

The Chaos Space Marines move around via portals that Imurah creates. He can seemingly send his army anywhere so long as there are no barriers of enchantment. It’s still hard to think about Space Marine 2 having things like enchantments in it like a typical fantasy RPG instead of a sci-fi RPG. It’s weird, but the fact remains rifts are strong in the hands of Chaos.

1 Verdict: Chaos Space Marines

Man Is The Ultimate Weapon

Fighting Chaos Space Marines in Space Marines 2

It’s a matter of saving the best for last. Players may be shocked by the infestation-like nature of the Tyranids but may also feel a sigh of relief at the sight of the Chaos Space Marines. Even though they look like familiar enemy types from typical third-person shooters, they are anything but.

They will show no mercy and do not need to because these soldiers have no will of their own. They live to serve but lack the nobility that the Emperor’s men share within the Ultra Marines. Their lack of respect and understanding is the real terror of the Chaos Space Marines here. Again, their numbers may be smaller comparatively, but the ability to warp cancels out retraction.

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