The Best Mods For Sins Of A Solar Empire 2

Key Takeaways

  • Mods add depth and customization to
    Sins Of A Solar Empire 2
  • Mod examples include increased fleet supply, upgraded starbases, and powerful titans.
  • These mods enhance strategy and gameplay, addressing player criticism and improving overall enjoyment.

Sins Of A Solar Empire 2 is a 4X strategy game that builds on the success of the original title, refining the gameplay, and making the game mechanics easier to learn. The UI is more refined, and overall, it is a fantastic second installment in the franchise.

However, there are aspects of the game and the way the standard features work that some players don’t enjoy. Luckily, there is a fairly active Sins Of A Solar Empire 2 modding community, with some great mods freely available. Many of these directly target player criticisms, tweaking gameplay to make this strategy game more fun.

7 Double Fleet Supply

Deploy Larger Fleets

The Best Mods For Sins Of A Solar Empire 2

The Double Fleet Supply mod for Sins Of A Solar Empire 2 is both incredibly simple and very useful. As most players of the game who have progressed several hours into a match will know, the 2,000 fleet supply maximum is eventually a bottleneck in this sci-fi strategy game.

What this mod does, as the name suggests, is double the available fleet supply, making it 4,000. This is enough to create 3 or 4 massive fleets, or around a dozen smaller ones. Overall, this is a useful mod, especially on larger maps with a lot of choke points that need to be defended.

6 More Starbase Levels

Upgradeable Starbases

More Starbase Levels Is A Good Mod For Sins Of A Solar Empire 2

One of the best features of Sins Of A Solar Empire 2, is that capital ships can level up. The more a fleet is used, the more powerful the capital units become. This is a great mechanic, as it is very rewarding to see capital ships getting more powerful over time.

However, starbases are somewhat lackluster in the base game. They are weaker than a well-leveled capital ship in many respects. What the More Starbase Levels mod for Sins Of A Solar Empire 2 does is apply the same leveling mechanic to starbases. The more they are used, the stronger they get. It’s a simple change, but make progression that much more satisfying.

5 Titans Empowered x2

Better Titan Class Ships

Titans Empowered x2 Is A Good Mod For Sins Of A Solar Empire 2

Titans are an endgame capital unit in Sins Of A Solar Empire 2. They are very powerful, and each empire on the map can only have a single titan in play at a time. The Titans Empowered x2 mod makes them even more powerful.

This mod boosts the damage output and defense of a titan by 100%. However, the downside is that they cost three times the cost of the standard titan in the base game. The mod also boosts all other stats by 50%, and lowers the amount of experience a titan needs to earn between level-ups.

4 4th-Level Abilities

Extended Ship Levels

4th-Level Abilities Is A Good Mod For Sins Of A Solar Empire 2

As already mentioned, the fact that capital ships can level up is one of the best gameplay features of Sins Of A Solar Empire 2. However, each capital ship can only level each of its basic abilities up to level 3, and the ultimate ability cannot go past level one.

What the 4th-Level Abilities mod does is add another level to standard abilities, meaning they can be taken up to level 4. The ultimate ability can also be leveled to 2. This is a clever mod, as it provides a way to make fleets more powerful without some form of overpowered fleet supply bonus or similar.

3 Battle For The Galaxy

Huge 10-Player Map

Battle For The Galaxy Is A Good Mod For Sins Of A Solar Empire 2

Sins Of A Solar Empire 2 ships with a fair number of pre-made game maps, ranging from small 1v1 maps to large 10v10 maps. However, even the largest standard map only contains a few stars. Each star has a galaxy all of its own, so the more stars, the more sectors to control.

The Battle For The Galaxy mod adds a map to the game that is absolutely huge, with 33 actual stars, each with its own galaxy. A game on this map is likely to take several days to complete.

2 Faster Inter-Star Phase Speed

Faster Phase Lane Travel

Faster Inter-Star Phase Speed Is A Good Mod For Sins Of A Solar Empire 2

One of the main impacts on tactics in Sins Of A Solar Empire 2 is how long it can take a fleet to transit between systems via phase lanes. For systems that are far apart, the travel time can be very long. This means a defending fleet might arrive in a sector long after the battle is over.

What the Faster Phase Lane Travel mod does is speed up phase lane travel time by 600%. It also boosts in-system transit by 150%. This makes it much easier to use just a handful of defensive fleets to cover quite a few systems.

1 Incremental Fleet Supply (Highly Compatible)

Excellently Designed Utility Mod

Incremental Fleet Supply (Highly Compatible) Is A Good Mod For Sins Of A Solar Empire 2

This list began with a mod that boosts fleet supply, and it ends with one too. However, the Incremental Fleet Supply (Highly Compatible) has two benefits over the previous fleet supply mod. Firstly, it doesn’t simply add an arbitrary amount to fleet supply. Instead, it adds 50 fleet supply for each surface-based research station. This means that players still need to take action to gain the extra fleet supply.

Secondly, because of the way the mod was developed, it is far less likely to conflict with other mods that change values in configuration files. Overall, this is a well-thought-out mod that removes one of the bottlenecks of the game in a way that doesn’t make it too overpowered.

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