The Houthis announce the downing of an American march over Saada

The Houthis announce the downing of an American march over Saada

The Houthi group said in a statement: “The air defenses succeeded in shooting down an American aircraft MQ_9 This was while carrying out hostile missions in the atmosphere Saada Governorate“.

She added that this plane is “the eleventh of this type that our air defenses succeeded in shooting down during this battle.”

She also pointed out that “earlier mounted Israel With American support, 17 raids on several civilian facilities in Hodeidah Governorate“Including the port and the power station, which led to the death of 5 citizens and the wounding of 57 as a final toll,” according to the statement.

The Houthis pledged to “escalate military operations” in response to the Israeli attacks.

He was chief of staff Israeli armyHerzi Halevy confirmed on Sunday that Israel It can reach the furthest extent as it continues to besiege Iran, after launching air strikes on several areas of Hodeidah in Yemen.

Halevy said in a meeting to assess the situation after targeting Hodeidah: “An hour from now we attacked the Houthis in Yemen. We know how to reach the furthest extent, and we know how to attack there with precision.”

He added: “These are not messages, but actions, and we have messages behind them.”

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