The Mercury’s Sound Off for Sunday, Sept. 22

The Mercury’s Sound Off for Sunday, Sept. 22

Kamala Harris has long sought the abolishment of private healthcare insurance which, per The Census Bureau, provided insurance to 199.24 million in 2022. The projected cost of her Medicare-for-all plan is $34 trillion over ten years, more than the combined costs of Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security over that time period. In Canada, interminable delays associated with its socialized healthcare system result in as many deaths as those from drug overdoses.

M. Furlong

I encourage everyone to become familiar with Saul Alinsky‘s “Rules for Radicals” as we approach November 5th. This Marxist handbook, published in 1971, details the progressive Democrat’s agenda and playbook for their current presidential candidate. The DNC says this handbook is “their last opportunity to end our republic as we know it.” Many critics have labeled “Rules for Radicals” as “Socialist Authoritarianism” and Fox News has called it “apocalyptic.” Educate yourself before voting.

Dr. Boss

In 2020, fifty days out from the election, Pennsylvania Democrats enjoyed a 750,000 mail-in ballot application request advantage. In 2024, Republicans have reduced the gap by 250,000. As a long day at work or a sick child could keep you from the polls, mail-in ballots are a good option. Applications can be filled out online at The process can be completed in less than 5 minutes.

There is a proverb: When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus. While watching the Presidential Debate, Trump was more the clown than the president. It is time to call him on his absurd stories and conspiracy theories. If this clown was in your family you would get him help. You can’t make this stuff up!

Jay Miller

The CDC is again recommending babies get 3 COVID shots by age 9 months. Children’s Health Defense CEO Mary Holland said the earlier vaccines have been proven unsafe and ineffective. Now we’re asked to believe the newer versions are miraculously safe and effective. This is an insult to people’s intelligence, she said, I pray that parents will have the good sense to say no to these dangerous and unnecessary shots for babies.

Info Depot

The Mercury posted a poll on its website that showed Kamala Harris ahead in PA. I wonder if the Mercury is going to post the latest Real Clear Politics polls showing Trump with the lead in PA? Even the Mercury is going all in for Kamala Harris, by trying to create excitement for her dismal campaign of lies, flip-flops, and deceit.

Sam Tasik

Why do Trump’s lackeys let him go to “big boy” events? He should never be allowed to go to Arlington National Cemetery or to the 9/11 Memorial Services. These are really solemn occasions but he treats them like photo shoots with the simple-minded laughing, waving, and taking pictures with his cult fans. I know I can’t vote for a simpleton.

Lefty, For The People

Jay Miller had me rolling on the floor laughing after reading his Sound Off comment about Trump being afraid to debate Kamala. He offered 3 debates, but Kamala only agreed to one. Trump accepted ABC’s rules from the get-go and Kamala wouldn’t. Kamala won’t even hold a press conference with reporters who are 90% Democrat. You said Trump wouldn’t show up to debate Biden, LOL.

Dan Fields

Love those commercials by “Republican Voters Against Trump.” Looks like there are some Republicans that can think for themselves, and put the country before the party. And their reasons for that are very valid. Trying to overthrow the government, bashing the Military, and breaking so many laws that he’s likely headed to jail. More and more Republicans are fed up with him.

Just like clockwork, Lefty drops a Sound Off post repeating every talking point (lie) the Democrat Party put out the week prior. Fact: Donald Trump has nothing to do with Project 2025, he never proposed monitoring every pregnancy in America, and he is not against banning abortions in instances of rape, incest, or medical complications. Everyone knows Democrats are the ones who hate women and don’t care about their rights. Trump fights for women’s rights.

Righty Tighty

To RealAmerica: Most Republicans have not changed their views on mail-in voting. We believe that a truly safe and secure election that would elicit the trust of all of Americans is same-day voting with paper ballots (cast ONLY after showing ID). However, sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. Some of us are voting by mail because we’re concerned about what surprises may be sprung on us on November 5th.

Virginia Cox

I’m not a psychologist, but from the symptoms RealAmerica described on Sept. 17, this sounds like a classic case of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). According to the Urban Dictionary, TDS is a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their intense dislike of Donald Trump. It will cause them to abandon all logic and reason. I hope RealAmerica seeks professional help ASAP.

Robert Minninger

It is time for Congress to pass a law prohibiting face coverings during demonstrations. The penalties for violating the law should be stiff. This would allow those demonstrators causing violence to be easily identified and arrested. There is no reason to allow these anarchists to continue to roam our college campuses and violently attack anyone they disagree with.

Michael Stern

If Donald Trump was going to destroy America, he would have done it in his first term. If Kamala Harris was going to help America, she would have done it in her first term. That’s about as simple as it can get. Nuff said.

American Pie

It’s crazy we even need a debate: One candidate tried to overthrow the government and the other didn’t. This election isn’t a difficult choice.


Donald screams a blatant lie: “They’re eating the pets!” (He saw people on TV!) I don’t condone it, but understand the mindset for subsequent bomb threats to Springfield, Ohio City Hall. Bomb threats to hospitals and schools? Why? Just mindless terroristic threats, not from overseas, but from good old American “patriots”. Silence from the Right. Where’s that outrage? These are the people who want Trump to be your President.

The Crankshaft comic strip is making it look like Republicans burn down buildings. Reality is that BLM and ANTIFA were the burners. So disappointing.

It saddens me to see President Biden honoring the NCAA basketball champions and not attending the ceremony honoring the 13 American servicemen and women killed in Afghanistan. Perhaps it was guilt that kept him from being there for the heartbroken loved ones since it was his botched plan that caused their deaths. Even so, I would expect our president to show the respect that they deserve.


Good news on the presidential race. It appears that the more folks hear from Kamala Harris, the less they like her. Trump is taking back the lead in the race and he is the only one worthy of being called the 47th president.


Lefty saying that Trump should be shot again sounds a lot like the same crazy “manifesto” writings we see from Democrat-voting lunatics doing all the mass school shootings. Hopefully, the Secret Service pays a visit to Lefty and scares some intelligence into him/her.


Jay Miller and all you socialists out there, you all talk about Trump’s 34 felonies. Can any of you tell me what one of them might be? Or ask the Biden supporting judge or his daughter who has made a living off of him, what they are. It’s called illegal lawfare and anyone can see it. All part of the smear campaign.


Once again, Jane, you are no moderate, even in the largest stretches of the imagination. I think Kackling Kamala is better than Trump in her moral compass, her lack of drive for all total power, not sucking up to dictators. The Biden administration has made great economic blunders. Some of if goes back to the crunch of Covid and some, outright mistakes. Then again, Trump is seeking the Presidency to stay out of jail.

The Moderate

Steve Roberts commentary “Debate between light and darkness”! Stevie omitted ABC News has been caught working for Kamala. ABC supplied Kamala with practice questions that were verbatim! ABC News promised to fact-check Trump but not Kamala! Can anyone say election interference? Then there’s the NOVA H1 earpiece in Kamala’s ears! Who was coaching Kamala ABC News the DNC or Kamala’s staff?

Just the facts!

Not sure if it is true or not, but I read a story on the internet that says Democrats accuse Trump of inciting further violence by not dying during the assassination attempts. Sounds exactly like something Joy Reid or David Muir would say.

Billy G.

So, Don Quixote goes up to the cash register in the pharmacy to pay for his prescriptions, & the cashier takes one look at him & says “You’re Don Quixote! I’m a huge fan!” Don Quixote’s eyes get all narrow & squinty, so the cashier takes a step back & says quietly, “Will that be cash or charge?”

Bill Wilson

One minute you’re “21,” staying out late, drinking beer, eating pizza, and doing all kinds of “sketchy” stuff. Then in the blink of an eye, you’re over “50,” going to bed early, drinking lots of water, eating salad, and can’t do anything “sketchy” because you pulled a muscle putting on your socks!

Jim Fitch

Sound Off is an opinion forum for Mercury readers to comment on today’s news. Submissions must be 75 words or less and are subject to editing for grammar and clarity. Publication of submissions is at the sole discretion of the editor. Email your comment to [email protected]. Use “Sound Off” in the subject line of the email.

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