The surprising prohibition that the Royal House will make to the guests of Princess Leonor’s 19th birthday

It has been almost a year since Princess Leonor de Borbón came of age and officially became the heir to the Spanish throne, which means that we are in theOn the eve of his 19th birthday, an age that, although not very symbolic, does show how much the young woman has matured in recent months.

Obviously, This year there will not be a big party in the name of the Princess of Asturias, like last year, when a whole institutional celebration took place. However, little by little details have been revealed about the way in which the first-born will celebrate privately.

According to ENDaily, Leonor will spend her birthday outside the Navy, Since due to the holiday on November 1, both the princess and the rest of her companions will be released at noon on October 31, which is why the royal is scheduled to travel to Madrid.

Once the heiress sets foot in the capital, It is planned that he will meet with his parents, Kings Felipe VI and Letizia Ortiz, and with his beloved sister, Infanta Sofía, who will then continue on vacation, as part of the October Break, a break that is granted in all London schools until November 4.

What will be prohibited at Princess Leonor’s birthday party?

As mentioned ESdailyLeonor will celebrate her birthday with “an important group of friends,” who will travel to Madrid taking advantage of the holiday Friday. Likewise, sources close to the Zarzuela Palace assured the aforementioned media that “the boys plan to celebrate a mixed birthday and Halloween party, although the location is not clear.”

Besides, ENDaily confirms that with the intention that no details about Leonor’s private celebration are leaked, the Royal House will launch an extreme shielding strategy, in which The use of mobile phones and cameras will be prohibited. This will prevent the celebration from being ‘outside the walls’ of the Palace.

The aforementioned media also affirms that such suspicion on the part of the Royal House could be caused by the fact that Leonor has invited “a special friend” to her birthday. who would be a fellow student at the Marín Naval Academy, and they want to avoid the appearance of photographs,

In addition to this information, the guest list is officially unknown, it is only certain that Infanta Sofía will be the guest of honor and he will chorus his older sister’s happiness, as he has done on his last birthdays.

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