The UAE condemns the attack on the headquarters of its ambassador to Sudan

The UAE condemns the attack on the headquarters of its ambassador to Sudan

She said UAE Foreign Ministry In a statement, The UAE Strongly condemns the brutal attack that targeted the headquarters of the head of the UAE mission in… Khartoumvia a subsidiary plane For the Sudanese army“Which led to serious damage to the building, calling on the army to bear full responsibility for this cowardly act.”

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed in the statement that it “will submit a protest note to everyone.” League of Arab States The African Union and the United Nations have responded to this attack before Sudanese Armed Forces “Which represents a flagrant violation of the basic principle of the inviolability of diplomatic buildings.”

In the statement, she stressed “the importance of protecting diplomatic buildings and the headquarters of our personnel.” Embassies According to the customs and charters that govern and regulate diplomatic work.”

The Ministry expressed its “strong condemnation of these criminal acts, and its permanent rejection of all forms of violence.” And terrorism Which aims to destabilize security and stability and is inconsistent with international law,” according to the Emirates News Agency.

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