The Weakest Elder Dragons in Monster Hunter, Ranked

Key Takeaways

  • Kirin is a lightning unicorn with a limited move set, making it one of the weakest elder dragons.
  • Ceadeus is a peaceful whale-like creature lacking power and challenge in its underwater fights.
  • Jhen Mohran is a massive brute dragon relying on size over skill, ranking slightly above the weakest on the list.

The elder dragons, known for their tremendous power and often dragon-like appearance, are the strongest enemies in the Monster Hunter series. Unlike other monsters, these enemies are resistant to traps and are usually the center of the narrative of the Monster Hunter games.

From the first generation of Monster Hunter that introduced beasts like Fatalis to the latest games like Monster Hunter World, with players battling foes such as Nergigante, elder dragons have been a core part of the series. At the same time, some elder dragons are powerful, while others are much weaker, coming at the bottom of the pack next to some of their harder brethren due to their lackluster attacks.

6 Kirin

Lightning Unicorn With Limited Attacks

The Weakest Elder Dragons in Monster Hunter, Ranked

While Kirin is a popular elder dragon amongst the Monster Hunter fanbase and one of the first dragons introduced in the series, it is also one of its weakest. Kirin is a unicorn that wields lightning to attack opponents and its characteristic unicorn horn to impale foes. Unlike most elder dragons, Kirin does not have any physical attacks, such as a tail whip, making the beast a ‘one trick pony.’

While not a complete pushover due to its elder dragon status, it can quickly become overpowered by multiple hunters when stationary. Kirin may have a limited move set but is still a capable foe compared to the weaker elder dragons on this list.

5 Ceadeus

Peaceful Whale Elder Dragon

A Hunter underwater swimming towards a Ceadeus

A classic monster of Monster Hunter 3, Ceadeus is an elder dragon that players fight underwater. A fairly peaceful elder dragon incapable of traveling on land, Ceadeus is a weak elder dragon with size on its side when it comes to power but not much else. Upon fighting the giant whale-like creature, players must avoid Ceadeus’s ramming attacks and water beam in a lackluster fight that does not put up a challenge.

Unlike most elder dragons, Ceadeus is peaceful when encountered, only responding to violence. The beast lacks the aggressive tendencies of the other dragons in the games, making it one of the least powerful, but it can still pack a punch when needed.

4 Chameleos

Weak Toxic Elder Dragon

Monster Hunter Rise-Risen Chameleos-Image-2

Love it or hate it, Chameleos is a classic elder dragon introduced by Capcom in the first generation of the hunting games. Resembling a Pukei Pukei in the latest Monster Hunter World game, Chameleos produces toxic clouds and uses its creepily long tongue to steal objects from players. A thief more than an elder dragon, Chameleos lacks both looks and power and has a fairly subdued nature until provoked.

Although the monster does have a unique camouflage ability, turning it invisible (much like its namesake), this ability can be stopped by breaking numerous parts of the beast. Chameleos later got more powerful variants in later games, such as Risen Chameleos, making them more powerful than the likes of Yama Tsukami.

3 Yama Tsukami

Underpowered Floating Octopus

Yama Tsukami Tower Monster Hunter

Perhaps the most bizarre elder dragon on this list, Yama Tsukami, is an octopus-like creature that appeared in Monster Hunter Freedom Unite and Monster Hunter 2 (in Japan). The monster is a floating island-like creature that spends time traversing the sky and not doing much else.

Yama Tsukami uses thunder bugs to fight potential threats in close-quarter combat. The beast’s powers are uninspired and far outmatched by its counterparts. The fight is fairly easy compared to other weaker elder dragons on this list, requiring you to strike the monster’s tentacles and mouth while avoiding its attacks.

2 Jhen Mohran

Massive, Brute Dragon, Lacking True Combat Skill


Although some fans may argue that, due to sheer size alone, Jhen Mohran is one of the most powerful elder dragons, the monster is all about physical attacks – relying on its size to ram enemies rather than actual battle prowess. An aimless beast that resembles a fast-moving dull rock, Jhen Mohran is a relatively peaceful monster that does not deserve to be called an elder dragon.

Jhen Mohran narrowly comes ahead of the weakest elder dragon on this list due to its massive size and brute strength.

1 Tartaronis

Massive, Slow Sea Turtle

Tartaronis image

A Monster Hunter Online exclusive monster, Tartaronis, is a giant sea turtle living in remote deserts, using its vast size to squash opposition.

Tartaronis has nothing going for it apart from its size, with slow movement and attacks that make it seem like a washed-up turtle better placed in the sea. The giant turtle is not much of a challenge to defeat and lacks the power and speed of other elder dragons with physical-based attacks – lacking any special attack such as fire fighting or lightning damage – making it the weakest.

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