The world’s longest submarine power line will connect Cyprus to Greece

The world’s longest submarine power line will connect Cyprus to Greece

The so-called project aims to:Great Sea Link“To link Europe’s electricity transmission networks to Cyprus at a cost of 1.9 billion euros ($2.12 billion), to be extended to Israel later.

The project’s promoters say that electrical connection line When completed, it will be the “longest in the world” with such high voltage, at 1,240 kilometers long, and will also be the deepest, reaching 3,000 meters below the surface of the water.

The two ministries said on Saturday that work on the project will resume in the coming days based on the memorandum of understanding signed yesterday evening.

And own Cyprus Proven gas reserves, but not yet exploited. The island still relies on heavy fuel oil for electricity generation, and the cost of energy on Consumers They have much larger sums than their counterparts on the European continent.

Although there is no dispute over the need for alternative energy sources or for the Great Sea Link project itself, there have been delays on the part of Cyprus as it seeks clarification on the overall cost of the project, its feasibility and any other liabilities arising from unforeseen delays.

“This is a project of strategic importance for Cyprus,” the two ministries said. And Greece and the European Union because it will connect Cyprus to the electricity grid in Europewhich will facilitate its energy transfer and Greece’s goal of being a clean energy carrier.”

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