This is the controversial measure that Juan Carlos I took and put him at odds with Letizia Ortiz’s father

It was on May 22, 2004 when the Kings Felipe de Borbón and Letizia Ortiz they celebrated their wedding in the Almudena Cathedral in Madrid in front of 1,200 guests, among whom, of course, was the groom’s family: the then kings Juan Carlos I and Sofia of Greece, the infantas Elena and Cristina, among other members of the royal dynasty .

Among the guests of Letizia’s family were her parents.yesJesus Ortiz and Paloma Rocasolano; his sisters Telma and Érika Ortiz; and his grandparents, Menchu ​​Álvarez, José Luis Ortiz, Francisco Rocasolano and Enriqueta Rodríguez.

It is worth mentioning that although the Ortiz Family – Rocasolano will be part of the bride’s guest listit was the groom’s father, Don Juan Carlos, who finally dictated which of them would be allowed entry to the royal wedding.

It is precisely with respect to this measure that a great enmity was generated between the two grandparents of Princess Leonor, since Felipe’s father did not allow Jesús Ortiz to be accompanied to his then girlfriend’s wedding and now wife, Ana Togores.

Why didn’t King Juan Carlos I allow Ana Togores to attend the wedding of Felipe VI and Letizia Ortiz?

As revealed by the Asturian press of the time, after reflecting at length on Togores’ presence at the ceremony, Juan Carlos came to the conclusion that it was best for the communicator not to be at Felipe and Letizia’s wedding. This for a compelling reason, which was later revealed by the magazine Hello!

According to what was stated by the aforementioned media, Don Juan Carlos chose to veto Ana Togores from the royal wedding due to protocol reasons, since at that time the woman was not yet married to Jesús Ortiz.

“Casa Real was quick to justify the absence of Jesus’ wife based on family and protocol issues. At that time, the journalist was not married to Ana, which posed a dilemma when it came to placing her at the celebration,” the experts stated from Hello!.

In fact, shortly after the wedding, It came to light that Jesús Ortiz intended to marry his girlfriend at the time of finding out about her daughter’s engagement to the then Prince of Asturias, since her intention was to take Ana to the wedding. However, the conditions were not created for that to happen.

From that moment on, despite the fact that the emeritus king is in exileit seems that Letizia’s father continues to hold a grudge against the Royal House, so now he is not present at practically any event that has to do with the monarchy.

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