This was his tumultuous family life

The Spanish press recently reported the death of his father Bertin OsborneEnrique Ortiz López-Valdeomoroat 96 years of age. So, obviously, the news has left the singer’s family immersed in deep sadness.

What did Bertín Osborne’s father die from?

According to the information revealed The Debate, The Count of Donadío y Casasola died last Friday, October 18 and he was laid to rest at the La Paz Mortuary, in Madrid, and then cremated. Although it was not until today that the news of his death emerged.

Meanwhile, his children—Bertín and his three sisters, María Teresa, Marta and María de la Luz—as well as his grandchildren and those closest to him, were present to say goodbye to him in the strictest privacy. Which is why the media has only learned about this unfortunate loss until today.

The cause of his death is unknown at this time, although he previously went through several road bumps. health. Let us remember that last year he had the wrong dose of medication, which led him to be hospitalized for a few days.

What was Enríque Ortiz’s relationship with his children like?

On the other hand, this unfortunate news inevitably causes many to review the tumultuous family life that Enríque Ortíz led with his four children, including the spanish singer.

The relationship between parents and children has always been an enigma wrapped in family tensions and overwhelmed expectations. Ortiz, known for his strong character and the high demands he placed on those around him, hoped that his descendants would live up to his legacy.

That is why his children, fruits of his marriage to the aristocrat Carmen de la Torre, always felt the weight of a surname that should be defended with pride. According to what the singer and presenter said, the disputes began in his adolescence, when Enrique demanded rigid academic discipline and behavior that bordered on perfection.

This led to the forging of an authoritarian relationship, full of reproaches and an emotional void that led to inevitable disagreements in later years, such as the altercation during a charity gala in Madrid. That time, Ortiz confronted his eldest son, Bertinfor having openly questioned family business decisions.

However, with the passage of time the family quarrels began to subside since in recent years both the singer and his three sisters have boasted of the good relationship their father had and that they were always looking out for him.

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