This will be the strict protocol when Felipe VI dies and Princess Leonor assumes the throne

It is well known by royal followers and experts that The procedures subsequent to the death of each of the royals have their own execution protocol. and, in some cases, there are even code names for funeral operations. For example, the plan that will guide the protocol to follow after the death of Charles III and the ascension to the throne of Prince William is called “Menai Bridge”.

In the case of the Spanish Royal House, unlike the British, There is no code name by which the protocol is called and the actions followed by the death of their monarch. However, there are specific steps to follow once the current king reaches eternal rest.

Specifically, when Felipe VI dies, It is already known what exactly will be carried out, iIncluding the accession of Princess Leonor to the throne.

What is the protocol that will be followed when King Felipe VI dies?

As revealed by the newspaper The Chronicler, Everything is already prepared for when Don Felipe transcends to a better life. According to this same medium, the funeral protocols for Spanish monarchs are based on the Regulation of Military Honors, which guarantees solemn and rigorous treatment for the burial of the sovereign.

The last time the world witnessed such a plan was in 1993, after the death of Don Juan de Borbón, father of King Emeritus Juan Carlos and grandfather of Felipe VI.

The Chronicler He also points out that, after the death of Princess Leonor’s father, “The flags will fly at half-mast with black crepe“, and artillery salutes will be carried out at strategic points in the country, such as Navy ships and military bases.”

Likewise, it is assured that during the mourning period, which will probably last seven days, “There will be gunfire twice a day.”: at dawn and dusk, to pay homage to the king. In addition, on the day of the funeral, 21 cannon shots will be fired in his honor.”

The same medium affirms that when the moment of royal death occurs, the king’s body “will be carried on a trunka horse-drawn carriage of the Royal Guard, accompanied by two generals of the armies.” It is also known that behind the procession will be his successor, Princess Leonor, along with the monarch’s most precious decorations.

Although it has not yet been officially defined, The burial is expected to take place in the Monastery of El Escorial, where other members of the royal family rest, following Spanish tradition and the funeral takes place in the Almudena cathedral or in the Royal Chapel of El Escorial.

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