Trending | Algerian chocolate threatens European products and is banned from the market

Trending | Algerian chocolate Algerian threatens the giant Nutella

Algerian “Marjan” chocolate topped the trend on social media sites In the past few days.

The spreadable chocolate product “Marjan” made in Algeria has achieved unprecedented success in France, causing long queues in stores, not allowing more than two boxes per customer.

This product has become a remarkable commercial and media phenomenon, with the biggest channels and newspapers competing to talk about it, in keeping with the social media sites that made it famous.

But unfortunately, the TikTok star, the famous Algerian product, was banned from entering the French and European markets a few days after its fame.

A shipment of the Algerian product “Marjan” for spreadable chocolate was banned from entering the European market, after increasing demand for it from consumers, especially in France.

Sources revealed that the French authorities seized containers full of Algerian chocolate products at the port of Marseille.

This decision was made based on European Union Regulation No. 207/2021, which regulates the products allowed to be traded within the European market, as it was found that Algeria is not among the countries authorized to export dairy products or eggs and their derivatives, which are components used in the manufacture of “Marjan” chocolate.

This makes the product non-compliant with EU regulations.

The European Union’s decision to ban the product from entering all member states has caused discontent among Algerian consumers, said Lotfi Khammar, a representative of the National Federation of Algerian Exporters.

He also said, through a video clip he posted on social media, that the National Federation of Algerian Exporters will follow up on this issue and give it great attention.

Ramoul MohammedHe said about the story the following: “The reason is clear and the issue is purely financial and has nothing to do with the imposed law. Coral has become an economic threat to Nutella on the European level.”

“Mino” said: “Why was it banned after obtaining the marketing license? Because it threatens their products. At first, it was marketed normally, and after people tasted it…it became the talk of French channels and caused a stir, it became harmful to health and causes diabetes.”

Issam Boujemaa said, “The French will not allow you to compete with their product and destroy the Nutella product, which has become incomparable to the quality and deliciousness of the Marjan product.”

Journalist “Qada Bin Amar” said the following about the controversy: “The last shipment of coral products was prevented from being unloaded in Europe based on a legal article that “suddenly fell from the sky” and is related to preventing the import of milk from outside Europe!”

That is, the group in Europe suddenly discovered this law after the Algerian product began to compete fiercely, sweep the market and threaten the rest… the law of the strongest!

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