Trending | Mysterious incident.. Algerian young man assaults an elderly woman

Trending | A heinous crime committed by an Algerian young man

A 19-year-old Algerian man assaults a 68-year-old woman in mysterious circumstances.

The incident that occupied social media sites In the city of Oran, specifically in the Jasmine neighborhood.

The elderly woman appeared in surveillance camera videos installed inside the building waiting for someone as she stood in front of the elevator.

The perpetrator then entered the building to find her there. The two parties talked for a few minutes before he suddenly pounced on her from behind, knocked her to the ground and with a quick, unjustified movement strangled her until she lost consciousness.

Apparently the criminal thought the woman was dead, so he tried to drag her away from sight, but fortunately the elderly woman did not die, but unfortunately she is in intensive care.

The video provoked Algerians terribly, and they circulated it widely, demanding that the authorities arrest him and impose the maximum penalty on him.

BelkacemHe said: “This type of person needs to be punished and have the punishment carried out. There are people who consider killing something normal because they know that they will go to prison and sleep, and their life in prison might be better than in their home because in prison they will find food and sleep, and black…”

At home, he used to eat a lot of food a day, and in prison, he would get three meals a day. He would only miss the meal because he was crazy and didn’t take medication.

Bouabbas said, for his part: “The state must tighten its grip on these people and impose hard labor outside prisons, in the desert, and in isolated and remote places.”

Activist “Razzaqa” had a sharp tone when he wrote: “He who feels safe from punishment misbehaves. This type of human monster is only deterred by retribution.”

After this painful incident, calls were made to warn against its recurrence and to stress the need to follow certain protocols and procedures to maintain security and safety, such as installing cameras.

Hoda Bouhraoua said the following about this point: “God is our helper. Surveillance cameras have become necessary in all public facilities and entrances to homes and buildings.”

Fortunately, the Oran police were able to arrest the criminal in record time and open an investigation under the supervision of the Public Prosecutor.

Despite the spread of the video, information and details of the incident are still very scarce.

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