Trending | Strange behavior.. Portuguese official throws a lit cigarette in the forest

Trending | Strange behavior.. Portuguese official throws a lit cigarette in the forest

Trending | A lit cigarette lands a Portuguese official in trouble

In a video clip that disturbed the pioneers social media sites An official accompanying the fire brigade threw a lit cigarette onto the grass in the burning forest.

The incident was broadcast live during a news report about the massive forest fires in Portugal and the civil defense’s struggle to extinguish them.

A provocative clip and an even more provocative act… made social media users comment on it and express their anger.

Selma“This behavior is irresponsible and increases the problem rather than helping solve it,” she wrote. “Even if he did not know there were cameras, laws and ethics require caution in such circumstances, and to act cautiously to minimize risks.”

In another comment, the owner of the “India Gateway” page said: “Oh my God! Instead of helping solve the problem, he made matters worse! He should have been aware of his role, especially in a situation like this. Even if he didn’t know about the cameras, this behavior is unacceptable from the beginning. People are watching, and these actions increase anger and shake confidence in officials.”

After a wave of widespread criticism, the Portuguese official later broke his silence and confirmed that he did not know that there were cameras filming, which increased the anger against him.

Al-Zahrani wrote about this statement: “This is what the proverb says, ‘An excuse is worse than the sin.’ No, he is responsible.”

Maryam said: “He said to himself: ‘It’s ruined, it’s ruined. It doesn’t matter if I add a cigarette.’”

It is worth noting that Prime Minister Luis Montenegro declared a state of emergency and mobilized more firefighters and civil servants to combat these fires.

More than 15,000 hectares have burned, and the fires have put 210,000 people at risk.

At least 5 people were killed, while 59 others were injured, including 10 in critical condition.

Authorities are investigating possible arson and negligence, and seven people have been arrested.

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