US President: The assassination of Nasrallah is a “just measure”

US President: The assassination of Nasrallah is a “just measure”

Biden added in a statement, “The United States fully supports Haq Israel In defending itself against Hezbollah, Hamas, the Houthis, and any other terrorist groups supported by Iran,” he explained, explaining that he directed the Minister of Defense “to continue strengthening the defensive posture of the American military forces” in the region.

For his part, he expressed US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin He expressed his full support for Israel’s right to self-defense against Iranian-backed groups.

The Pentagon said on Saturday that Secretary Lloyd Austin informed his Israeli counterpart Yoav Gallant on Friday that the United States is determined to prevent Iran and the groups it supports from exploiting the situation in Lebanon or expanding the conflict.

Pentagon spokesman Batterider added that Austin expressed the United States’ full support for Israel’s right to defend itself. He “made clear that the United States remains ready to protect American forces and installations in the region and is committed to defending Israel.”

On Saturday evening, the US State Department issued an order to some employees at its embassy in Beirut and their family members to leave Lebanon amid worsening tension in the Middle East following the killing of the Secretary-General of the Hezbollah group. Hassan Nasrallah At the hands of Israel.

The State Department said in a statement, “Employees of the US Embassy in Beirut are prohibited from personal travel without prior authorization (…) Additional travel restrictions may be imposed on US employees under the responsibility of the security of the Chief of Mission, with or without prior notice due to increased security issues or “Threats.”

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