What does your professional future hold for you?

Alexandra of Hanover, daughter of Ernest Augustus V and Princess Caroline of Monaco, He has already obtained his second university degree and now she has a Master’s degree in History and Literature from Columbia University in Paris.

The achievement of young man of only 25 years It was boasted by herself through Instagram on October 18posting a selfie in which she is seen in her graduation dress and a light blue headdress. The gesture with which he posed in the photograph was one of total surprise, denoting the emotion generated by knowing that his student days are now behind him.

Also, from that imagethe benjamina monegasca appeared in a snapshot published from his graduate’s Instagram account. In this witness you can see Alexandra wearing a festive blue uniform and four other fellow students, throwing their hats in the air, following an American custom in the academic sector.

According to the German magazine Buntethe master’s program at Columbia University in Paris was not only made up of five people, but Alexandra and her four colleagues pictured were just the last graduates still in Paris.

What could lie ahead for Alexandra from Hannover in her professional life?

This is the second graduation that the youngest of Carolina de Monaco’s daughters celebrates, since He previously graduated in Political Science in New York.

To determine what the future could hold for the royal, it is worth taking into account the revelation made by the History and Literature graduate account at Columbia University, which points out that Grace Kelly’s granddaughter’s thesis was on JD Salinger, American writer.

“This research explores the experience of reading JD Salinger’s stories. Glass, dividing the works into two categories: the author’s “early stories” (1948-1955) and his “later stories” (1957-1965),” the University states.

Likewise, it is specified that Princess Alexandra’s thesis marks the differences between literary modernism and the New York short story traditionas well as later stories through its highly digressive narrative style,

It is with this approach that we can glimpse what the particular literary fixations of the young royal are, deducing that in the future He could devote himself to writing, or to the academic analysis of the most important American modern works.

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