What’s behind Felipe VI’s slap at Letizia Ortiz at the Planeta Awards: the compelling theories

On October 15, as they usually do every year, the kings of Spain, Felipe VI and Letizia Ortizpresided over the awarding of the Planeta Novel Awarda delivery that later It was celebrated with a literary dinner, which took place at the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, in Barcelona. In this edition, the victory went to Paloma Sánchez-Garnica with her novel “Victoria”. However, that was not the fact of the evening that made the grade.

Thus, instead of focusing on the literary and cultural issues raised at the event, the press has turned to see a curious scene that arose between the monarchs, who, when it was time to sit down to dinner, were the protagonists of a very uncomfortable moment for the queen, who due to a lack of attention had to be corrected by her husband with a small tap.

Such a corrective gesture would have cheered everyone present, since it was not carried out with any type of discretion, which even caused some laughter among eyewitnesses and those who were able to glimpse the event through social networks, where the video depicting it was released. the precise moment in which Don Felipe slaps his wife. The images went around the world and have already gone viral.

Why did Felipe VI give a small blow to Letizia Ortiz during the Planeta Awards dinner?

It was the Asturian journalist Sergio C. Fanjul, writer of works such as ‘The Infinite City’, who, after much speculation, clarified the fact on his social networks, explaining the real reason why King Felipe decided to correct his wife with that controversial gesture.

The author’s testimony has legitimacy taking into account that he was one of the many guests at the dinner, so he was able to see with his own eyes how things happened.

That cake was made of cardboard, They put one on each table to celebrate the birthday, but then they served a mini cake on a small plate for each guest,” Fanjul explained, dispelling that theory that explained that the monarch had stopped his wife to start eating.

“It is not so that it does not eat, but because it is not edible“, continued the author in his message. In this way, the entire controversy would be completely clarified, showing that it was not a serious act of violence, as many tabloid headlines wanted to show.

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