Zayed Airport.. The first document-free airport in the world by 2025

Zayed International Airport.. No need for passport or ID

In an effort to reduce the traditional complexities of travel, Zayed International Airport in Abu Dhabi To provide an unprecedented qualitative leap in the passenger experience. By 2025, this airport will become the first airport in the world to “Document free“It will rely on advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and facial recognition at all security checkpoints at the airport, aiming to install biometric sensors to facilitate all stages of travel.

Smart Travel Project

This revolutionary technology will link Zayed Airport’s systems to the UAE’s identity and nationality databases, enabling automatic and instant verification of passengers’ identities.

This technology is already in use in certain sections of Zayed Airport, particularly for flights operated by its partner airline, Etihad Airways.

Zayed Airport.. The first document-free airport in the world by 2025

Etihad Airways already implements facial recognition systems in some of its services, such as boarding and baggage delivery, but the new project will extend this technology to all stages of travel. That is, the entire process of checking a ticket and travel documents will take approximately seven seconds.

Benefits of Smart Travel

Abu Dhabi already uses this technology in specific sections of Zayed Airport, particularly for flights operated by Etihad Airways. However, the project aims to extend this technology to all stages of passenger movement, making it a world first. According to by Andrew MurphyChief Information Officer at Zayed International Airport, Passengers will be automatically identified through facial or iris recognition, enhancing the speed and efficiency of the process.

“Biometrics are designed to eliminate the need for pre-registration, and passengers will be automatically identified and authenticated as they move through the airport, significantly speeding up the entire process,” he added. Murphy explained that the biometric data of anyone arriving in the UAE for the first time, whether a resident or a tourist, is collected at immigration by the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship, Customs and Ports Security (ICP). The airport system leverages this database to verify passengers as they pass through checkpoints.

Zayed Airport.. The first document-free airport in the world by 2025

Smart gates at Zayed International Airport (WAM)

Despite technological advances, passengers will still have the option of using traditional means such as passports and boarding passes. International Federation Survey For air transport, 75% of passengers prefer to use biometric data over paper documents, while acknowledging that 25% may prefer human interaction or feel uncomfortable with the technology.

“The project will enhance airline performance by eliminating the need for costly infrastructure expansions and effectively detecting fraud and forgery in identity documents,” a statement from Abu Dhabi Airports said.

Steps towards the future

Zayed International Airport is a model for future airports, enhancing operational efficiency and prioritizing passenger comfort. This ambitious step is in line with Abu Dhabi’s vision to improve infrastructure and develop the aviation sector in line with modern international standards.

The airport represents Zayed Airport.. The first document-free airport in the world by 2025Zayed International Airport is a living example of how technology can be used to improve people’s lives and facilitate the travel experience. This development is expected to be a turning point in the world of air travel, putting Abu Dhabi at the forefront of cities embracing modern innovations in this field.

Biometric progress at EU airports

Italian authorities began trials in May of a similar program called “Faceboarding” that uses facial recognition technology at two airports: Milan Linate and Catania.

Those who sign up for the Face Boarding system will have their data processed only “for the purpose of participating in the project,” says CEI, the company running the new Italian system, on the Milan-Linate airport website.

Their website states that “face images are not stored, but are only used to create a biometric template required to pass security checks and ultimately board the gate.”

Individual airlines such as Scandinavian Airlines have also signed up to use the system for their customers.

Zayed Airport.. The first document-free airport in the world by 2025

Zayed International Airport in Abu Dhabi from above (Getty)

The EU is also preparing to launch the Entry/Exit System (EES), an automatic registration system for travellers from the UK and non-EU countries.

It is worth noting that a number of European airports have begun implementing similar systems on a small scale, as experiments are being conducted in Italy on the “Face Boarding” system, which relies on facial recognition, while the European Union is preparing to launch the “EES” system to automatically register passengers.

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